Frankly, I think Rocket Italiano is very good. Though it is slow going for me, it does seem thorough. I do think the price is perfect and if I get through this first course, I will continue with the next course. I am going to Sicily at the end of June and the first part of July, so I hope I have it somewhat together by then.
Motivation to learn a different language is the key. I like the way Rocket Italiano has provided different ways to keep this interesting. The testing is interesting, as is trying to speak the way the instructors speak. I have not gone through the entire course step by step, but I have jumped around a bit and keep coming back for more.
I am wondering though if there is a major difference between the Italian language and the Sicilian language. I have relatives in Sicily and I am going to try to communicate with them when I am visiting. Some of them I have never met. It should be interesting. I will continue the course when I get back and if I am comfortable enough, I will enroll in the next Rocket Italiano course. As of right now though, it seems that I have a long way to go.