While I am enjoying, and learning from Rocket language I have two major gripes. 1) Many of the conversations are between to native English speakers who do not pronounce like native Germans (Which is the goal of language learning) and the audio "lesson" can get rather tedious and forced sounding. 2) On many of the conversations, when you "play as..." if the person laughs, moans, chuckles, or makes other noncommittal noises, you still must sound exactly like they do to pass that section, even though I can intentionally mispronounce words in hard mode and it will pass me to the next section otherwise.
Response from Rocket Languages
Hi Brian; there is one non-native speaker in the Interactive Audio course (Level 1), in-line with our philosophy of providing the most effective online language learning courses possible, we will be replacing that audio with a native speaker within the next couple of months.