David L

David L

United States

Rocket German
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There is a lot to love about Rocket Languages - particularly the way you are encouraged to speak and interact with the material. The material, though, is the reason I am cancelling Rocket German Level 3. There are many useful words, structures, and conversations here, but I seriously have to question the didactic approach. Explanations of necessary grammar concepts were often missing or incomplete. Useless vocabulary (e.g. "Ha ha") is given equal weight with sentences much too long to memorize. Good model sentences are mixed in with numerous old song lyrics, tongue twisters, and "Max und Moritz" lines which should be presented just for entertainment. I was spending far too much time trying to weed out the material that had no real value for learning German. I must admit that I'm disappointed in this course. I've used Rocket French and was very impressed, but this course needs an overhaul before I can either use or recommend it.

Note from Rocket Languages: Hi David, thanks a lot for leaving us a review. We're currently in the process of reviewing Rocket German - so this is valuable feedback! We're sorry you weren't satisfied with the course and hope you might reconsider after Rocket German Level 3 is updated. Until then - happy learning! Your Rocket German Team