Rocket Languages Reviews

Find out what actual users have to say about our courses through their Rocket Languages reviews.

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5095 Customer Reviews

5 Stars

78.7% (4012)

4 Stars

14.0% (715)

3 Stars

3.9% (201)

2 Stars

1.4% (73)

1 Star

1.8% (94)

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Carolyn Ryckman

Carolyn Ryckman

Rocket Spanish
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We like the games and all the review options. This is the best Spanish course we have tried. We homeschool and have tried three other Spanish courses before this one. We also appreciate the PDF manual that goes along with the course. Go Rocket Languages!!!

Kelsey hanger

Kelsey Hanger

Rocket Spanish
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Super affordable (purchased on Groupon) and helpful. Very happy with my purchase. I use interactive audio with my phone on the go and can even stream it in my car. I recommend this to anyone trying to learn Spanish quickly.

Jeanne Perkins

Jeanne Perkins

Rocket Spanish
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I love the Rocket Fuel. It is the best way for me to stay engaged and a fun way to learn. I bought Rocket Spanish three years ago and have loved to see the many improvements that make it better. I am very happy with Rocket Spanish and would recommend it.

Ben Porter

Ben Porter

Rocket Italian
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It is a usefull language learning system, I especially like the MP3 files, however I have spotted a few problems with the website, these are: Unit = 2.11 the website says metro = Underground however it Should be = metro = meter & Underground = metropolitan Its ok to put in names & so not translate them - But not ok to say a name is a translation when it is not. Unit = 2.12 the website says Lavoro manuale = Labor however it Should be = Lavoro manuale = manual work & Lavoro = Labor Unit = 2.13 the website says Quant'è? = How much does it come to? however it Should be = Quant'è? = How much? & venuto a = come to Unit = 3.4 the website says Abbastanza = Fairly bad. however it Should be = male = bad Unit = 3.4 the website says Allora riposa e cerca di dormire. = Ok then, have a rest and try to sleep. however it Should be = Ok then, have a rest = Ok allora, avere un periodo di riposo Unit = 3.7 the Problem is English words on wrong (italian) side for: ham, cabbage & she arranges Unit = 3.7 the Problem is all più words have extra letters in them = più Unit = 3.7 the Problem is ' is confusing in It's hotter (more hot) today than yesterday.

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Philip Giles

Philip Giles


Rocket French
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Rocket French is by far the best home study learning package i have ever owned, and i have tried many! The many and varied applications within the course means that one never gets bored with this learning experience. I really feel for the first time that i have a chance to really speak another language. well done Rocket French

Piet Vanschaik

Piet Vanschaik


Rocket Italian
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The Rocket learning system is a logically thought out way to build vocabulary and grammar, while the dialogue and cultural background sections gives each lesson great context. It is a most enjoyable way to learn a language. The fact that one can go back to a previous lesson to review something (and that it is easy to find) helps a lot. Listening to instructors speaking in a native tongue puts one almost in the country that one is learning the language of. Well done RL.

Annie Rose Salisbury

Annie Rose Salisbury

Portland, OR

Rocket Japanese
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Rocket Japanese has really helped me excel in Japanese. The website is really easy and I can go at my own pace. The interactive audio lessons are very helpful and I can hear everything nice and clearly. Before, with other programs and teaching methods, I would struggle and have a difficult time understanding such an overwhelming language. But with Rocket Japanese, I am able to smoothly comprehend the fundamentals and speak with confidence. I would definitely recommend it to anyone seeking guidance for Japanese.

Nell Phoenix

Nell Phoenix

Rocket Spanish
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Rocket Spanish really holds your hand to get you learning. And when you slack-off, up pops an email to get you going again. I practice here and then test myself on my long-suffering Spanish neighbours!

Happy Customer

Happy Customer

Rocket Chinese
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I bought Rocket Chinese to learn very basic Mandarin and am not disappointed. I was thrilled when after using the program only several times I was able to speak out aloud and be understood by native Chinese!

Matthew Gilbert

Matthew Gilbert

Rocket Japanese
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I have been using the Genki textbook to learn Japanese, but I find this program to be more effective in that it provides explanations as well as prerecorded conversations so that one may practice conversational Japanese even when there is no one else to practice with. Love this program!