If you're teaching or learning Spanish as a second language, here's the inside word on a hugely successful online program and some useful free resources.
Perhaps you're looking to travel, or live and work in Spain, Mexico, another Spanish-speaking country or a Spanish-speaking environment closer to home. Being bilingual can open many doors professionally, and of course there are plenty of reasons for learning another language purely for pleasure.
Whatever your reasons for learning or teaching Spanish, you've got plenty of company: 329 million people speak Spanish as a native language, making it the world's second most spoken language in terms of native speakers, and it's fourth in terms of total speakers.
Resources for further reading:
- Top tips for learning Spanish online - How To Become Conversational In Spanish
Learning a second language is in itself a challenge, but these days the biggest hurdle for most people is finding the time to learn. When I designed my learn Spanish program I chose to work together with Rocket Languages for this reason. Flexible online learning is what they do best, and it's the secret to why Rocket Spanish is so hugely successful.
By “successful” I'm not just talking about the thousands of people around the world that are using it, I'm talking about how effective it is in getting people to speak Spanish quickly and effectively, and actually wanting to learn. Building in the motivation factor is so important in language learning, and it's something that so many other programs overlook.
If you want to learn Spanish as a second language but you don't know how you're ever going to find the time and energy, Rocket Spanish is the course for you.
I know your time is precious. That's why you'll start speaking Spanish from the very first lesson. And that's why I've designed the program so that you can be speaking Spanish confidently in less than two months.
Spanish is such an easy language to speak. It's phonetic, so as long as you learn how to pronounce the Spanish alphabet, you can say ANY Spanish word. Learning Spanish as a second language will open up a whole new world for you. If you're ready to get started, come see me at Rocket Spanish and I'll have you set up with your first lesson within minutes.
If you're a Spanish teacher visiting Rocket Languages for the first time, I hope you find the free Spanish resources on this website helpful in creating your lesson plans, study guides, and classroom activities.
You'll find lists of Spanish words and phrases, mini lessons on Spanish grammar, a lesson on the history of the Spanish language, Spanish pronunciation tutorials and more.
And if you're looking to build into your course, or recommend to your students, a comprehensive, easy-to-use online Spanish language program, you can learn more at Rocket Spanish.
Mauricio Evlampieff: Rocket Spanish