Restaurant in Spanish

This free audio lesson is all about eating at a restaurant in Spanish. If you’re planning on dining out in a Spanish-speaking country, don’t miss this free lesson! Rocket Spanish will teach you everything you need to know--just listen to the Spanish pronunciation on the audio and practice saying these Spanish words and phrases aloud. When you’re ready, why not try them out at a local Spanish-speaking restaurant!

Vegetarian? Not what you ordered? No problem! After this lesson you’ll be ordering from the menu in Spanish like a pro, and impressing your Spanish-speaking friends with your Spanish language skills. Let’s get started…

Resources for further reading:

At the restaurant in Spanish - Words and Phrases

Let's get started with how to say restaurant in Spanish!

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Spanish pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

El restaurante

The restaurant

Un buen restaurante

A good restaurant

¿Dónde está el restaurante?

Where is the restaurant?

It’s not common in Spain or Latin American countries to be seated by the waiter or waitress. Instead you just choose the table yourself. In some restaurants the menu will be on the table already otherwise the waiter will bring it over to you as soon as possible. Just in case you do need to ask for the menu, say…

¿Puedo ver el menú, por favor?

Can I see the menu please?

Spanish restaurant questions

After looking at the menu, you could get asked one of the following questions…

¿Qué desea comer?

What would you like to eat?

¿Qué desea tomar?

What would you like to drink?

¿Qué desea ordenar?

Would you like to order?

Sometimes all you might get asked is…

¿Si? ¿Qué quiere?

Yes? What do you want?

How to order in Spanish

You could order in Spanish by saying one of these phrases…

Un momento, por favor.

One moment, please.

Como plato principal quiero…

For the main course, I would like...

De primero, quiero… / De botana quiero…

To start, I would like...

Para beber, quiero…

To drink, I would like...

Necesitamos más tiempo para decidir.

We need a little more time to decide.

Estamos listos para pedir.

We are ready to order.

Not sure what you're in the mood for? Just ask the waiter what he recommends…

¿Qué nos recomienda?

What do you recommend?

¿Puede recomendarnos algún plato típico de aquí?

Can you recommend a local dish?

¿Hay alguna especialidad de la casa?

Is there a house specialty?

¿Cuál es el plato del día?

What is the dish of the day?

¿Cuál es la sopa del día?

What is the soup of the day?

¿Tienen algún plato vegetariano?

Do you have any vegetarian dishes?

¿Cuáles son los platos que no llevan carne / pescado?

Which dishes have no meat / fish?

¿Qué tipo de bocadillos tienes?

What types of sandwiches do you have?

¿Qué más trae el plato?

What else is in the dish?

¿Viene con ensalada?

Does it come with salad?

¿Qué vegetales están incluídos en este plato?

What vegetables are included in the dish?

Ordering tapas in Spanish

Chances are, you've heard the buzz about the "Tapas dining experience"--eating those little hot and cold dishes that are served up during cocktail hour in Spain. Here are the names of some Spanish Tapas you can order…

Una tapa de...

A tapa of...





Bacalao con tomate

Cod in tomato sauce

Carne mechada

Slow-cooked, tender beef

Chopitos / Puntillitas

Battered and fried squid (calamari)

Champiñón al ajillo

Mushrooms in garlic


Shrimp (Prawns)


Pork seasoned with garlic


Raw ham


Salted cod loin

Tortilla de patatas

Potato omelette

Empanadas o empanadillas

Turnovers (empanadas)

Chorizo al vino

Chorizo sausage in wine

While in Spain you eat these enticing **tapas**… each Spanish-speaking country has it’s own distinct dish. In Mexico, for example, you’ll always have tortillas to accompany your meal.

Ordering tortillas in Spanish

So here are common Mexican tortilla dishes…


Soft tortilla with egg and chicken


Rolled tortilla with filling


Tortilla with cheese filling


Deep-fried, toasted tortilla

More on ordering in Spanish

In order to get the dish you want simply say…


I'll have...

¿Puede darme ... ?

Can you bring me...?

Quisiera un plato que lleve...

I want a dish containing...

When ordering a steak in a Spanish-speaking restaurant, you may need to specify how you want it… well done, medium done or rare.

Bien asado


Termino medio


Poco asado


More about the restaurant in Spanish

Now, the waiter brings your dish and you’ll hear this essential phrase…

¡Buen provecho!

Enjoy your meal!

Just in case you get the wrong dish… let’s learn how to call for the waiter:

¡Camarero! / ¡Mesero!


Esto no es lo que he pedido.

This is not what I ordered.

During your meal, the waiter may come to check if everything is ok.

¿Cómo está todo?

How's everything?

¿Todo está bien?

Is everything okay?

¿Quiere algo más de tomar?

Would you like more to drink?

¿Quiere algo de postre?

Would you like some dessert?

Asking for salt and pepper in Spanish

If you need some pepper, salt, bread... just say:

¿Me puede dar un poco de...?

May I have some...?









Aceite de oliva

Olive Oil

Paying the bill in Spanish

Once you finished your meal you ask for the bill…

La cuenta, por favor.

The bill please (casual).

Por favor tráigame la cuenta.

Please bring the bill.

¿La propina está incluida?

Is service included?

The waiter or waitress will bring the bill to your table. If you are eating out with a group you might get asked whether you want to pay separately or together. You can answer with…

Nos gustaría pagar juntos.

We'd like to pay together.

Nos gustaría pagar por separado.

We'd like to pay separately.

When paying the bill, you may need to ask if they accept credit cards, or travelers’ checks...

¿Acepta usted tarjeta de credito?

Do you accept credit cards?

¿Acepta usted cheques de viajero?

Do you accept travelers' checks?

Here's a tip: it is expected that a customer tips in Spanish restaurants. It's usually 10% of the price or more if you were satisfied. Not tipping implies that you didn’t enjoy your time at the restaurant. The word for tip is:



I hope you learned a lot in this lesson!

Can’t get enough of Spanish? Here are some more free Spanish lessons to boost your Spanish:

Mauricio Evlampieff: Rocket Spanish

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