Shopping in Spanish

Don’t miss this free shopping in Spanish lesson for beginners! We’ll teach you key Spanish shopping phrases, such as, how to find your way around a department store, and how to ask for what you want in Spanish. Need a bigger size? Something longer? No problem.

Master this essential Spanish shopping vocabulary by following the pronunciation on the audio and saying the Spanish words and phrases aloud. And don’t be shy--shopping in a Spanish-speaking country will be a lot more fun after this Rocket Spanish lesson!

Resources for further reading:

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Spanish pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

Hacer compras

Go shopping

Me gustaría hacer compras.

I'd like to go shopping.

¡Sí, vamos de compras mañana!

Yes, let's go shopping tomorrow!

Estaba haciendo compras todo el día.

I was shopping all day.

Shopping in Spanish - Words and Phrases

Grandes almacenes

Big department stores

Departamento de...

... department

Artículos de cocina








Ropa de caballero

Men's clothing


Sports and sportswear

Moda infantil




Porcelana y Cristal

China and Glassware



Lencería / Ropa interior





Electrical goods

Talking about which Floor in Spanish

Which floor do you want to go to? To answer this question, use the counter planta.

Planta sótano


Planta baja

Ground floor

Primera planta

First floor

Segunda planta

Second floor

Tercera planta

Third floor

Cuarta planta

Fourth floor

Find your way around a department store in Spanish

Now, you can go to all the floors! Perhaps you may need to take the elevator, or the escalator to get the fourth floor. If you can’t find something, you can simply ask a store clerk with the following question…

¿Dónde está….?

Where is the...?

Simply tack on what you’re looking for after the above phrase.

¿Dónde está el ascensor?

Where is the elevator / lift?

¿Dónde está el departamento de…?

Where is the...department?

¿Dónde está la escalera mecánica?

Where is the escalator?

¿Dónde está la salida?

Where is the exit?

¿Dónde está el mostrador?

Where is the counter?

More Spanish shopping phrases

If you’re in the clothes department and have found a piece of clothing you like, but you’re wondering if it’s your size, simply ask the store clerk ¿Puedo probármelo? Can I try it on? and if the clerk says okay, go to the fitting rooms, los probadores.

¿Puedo probármelo?

Can I try it on?

¿Dónde están los probadores?

Where are the changing / fitting rooms?

¿Tiene una talla más grande?

Do you have a bigger size?

¿Tiene una talla más pequeña?

Do you have a smaller size?

¿Tiene algo más ancho?

Do you have something wider?

¿Tiene algo más estrecho?

Do you have something narrower?

¿Tiene algo más largo?

Do you have something longer?

¿Tiene algo más corto?

Do you have something shorter?

El color / estilo me sienta bien.

The color / style suits me.

Can’t get enough of Spanish? Shopping in Spanish is never without bargaining in Spanish!

Here are some more free Spanish lessons to boost your Spanish:

Mauricio Evlampieff: Rocket Spanish

Make It Stick With Rocket Reinforcement

Reinforce your learning from this lesson with the Rocket Reinforcement activities!

Rocket Reinforcement activities



Hear It Say It!


Write It!


Know It!
