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Spanish Phrases

Learn Spanish phrases with these free audio lessons! Think of these lessons as your very own Spanish phrasebook!

Are you travelling to a Spanish-speaking country on vacation or business? Perhaps you need to communicate in a Spanish-speaking environment closer to home...

In any Spanish-speaking environment it is helpful to know some Spanish phrases for those times when you've got something important to say, questions to ask, or you simply want to get to know the people around you a little better.

Getting started with Spanish phrases

Basic Spanish Phrases

Start by learning some common Spanish phrases, such as how to greet and farewell people, and what to say at different times of the day. Perhaps you want to ask someone how they are, or what they've been up to lately... and you'll need to know what to say when someone asks you! With this quick audio tutorial you can also practice welcoming someone in Spanish and saying sorry (for your Spanish beginners!).

You'll have these mastered in no time, but remember, you can't just listen to them, you have to pronounce them... yes, out loud!

Romantic phrases in Spanish

Are you ready for the ultimate dating in Spanish lesson? Listen to the audio and learn how to say "I love you" in Spanish, along with other very important Spanish romance phrases!

Important Spanish Travel Phrases

Knowing these Spanish travel phrases will make your stay in any Spanish-speaking country much more comfortable and enjoyable!

After this lesson you'll be able to ask for what you need in Spanish, find your way around a hotel, and share any concerns you have with the hotel staff. Get started today!

Essential medical phrases in Spanish

Let's hope you never need to use these! However, you never know what might happen when traveling around foreign countries so it's best to be prepared! And with these Spanish medical phrases, you will be.

How to say I love you! in Spanish

Are you ready for the ultimate dating in Spanish lesson? Listen to the audio and learn how to pronounce "I love you" in Spanish, along with other very important romantic Spanish phrases--after all, Spanish is world renowned as the language of love and romance!

It's important to know your Spanish weather phrases

The weather is probably a common topic where you live and in South America it's no different. Being able to talk about the weather in Spanish can be a wonderful ice-breaker when chatting to locals. There's a ton of audio phrases to learn in this lesson!

Looking for a bargain in Spanish?

Everyone loves a bargain, and in many Spanish-speaking countries negotiating is a big part of the shopping experience. Bargaining in Spanish can be entertaining--and easier on the wallet of course!

Want to order a drink in Spanish?

Knowing the names of different drinks in Spanish is very important when you are out and about travelling in a Spanish speaking country. From being able to quench your basic thirst when visiting local attractions, to understanding what the beverages in Spanish are at a local restaurant or bar. There are many situations when you might have to use drinks in Spanish vocabulary.

Talking about your feelings in Spanish

How would you like to be able to say how you really feel in a Spanish conversation? With the help of the Rocket Spanish team you’ll be able to express your emotions in Spanish and get to know native speakers better. Perhaps this will help to take your new friendships to the next level.

Talking about your house in Spanish

So let’s get to know your house in Spanish! Do you know the Spanish word for house? What about rooms around the house? After this free Rocket Spanish lesson you’ll be able to describe the house or apartment you live in, and the furniture and appliances in each room.


Mauricio Evlampieff: Rocket Spanish