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Basic Spanish phrases

This free audio lesson is full of basic Spanish phrases that will help you blend in with the locals! Just a few minutes with the Rocket Spanish team and you'll have a range of common Spanish expressions to use when socializing with Spanish people.

Whether you want to wish someone well or apologize for standing on their toes, this Spanish language lesson is not to be missed. Listen carefully to the Spanish pronunciation and practice the phrases aloud until you feel confident!

Resources for further reading:

How to pronounce basic Spanish phrases

Here are some of the most basic Spanish phrases to get you started. Further on in this lesson we will look at the pronunciation of these and more Spanish phrases.

  • ¡Buena suerte! - Good luck!
  • ¡Diviértete! - Have fun!
  • ¡Con mucho amor! - Lots of love!
  • ¡Buen viaje! - Have a good trip!
  • ¡Buen provecho! - Enjoy your meal!
  • ¡Salud! - Cheers!
  • ¡Muy bien! - Well done!
  • ¡Cuídate! - Take care! (casual)
  • ¡Cuídese! - Take care! (formal)
  • Los mejores deseos para… - Best wishes for...

Basic Spanish Phrases

Practice Your Pronunciation With Rocket Record

Rocket Record lets you perfect your Spanish pronunciation. Just listen to the native speaker audio and then use the microphone icon to record yourself. Once you’re done, you’ll get a score out of 100 on your pronunciation and can listen to your own audio playback. (Use a headset mic for best results.) Problems? Click here!

¡Buena suerte!

Good luck!


Have fun!

¡Con mucho amor!

Lots of love!

¡Buen viaje!

Have a good trip!

¡Buen provecho!

Enjoy your meal!



¡Muy bien!

Well done!


Take care! (casual)


Take care! (formal)

Los mejores deseos para…

Best wishes for...



¡Bienvenidos! / ¡Bienvenidas!


¡Feliz Cumpleaños!

Happy birthday!


Bless you!

¡Feliz Navidad!

Merry Christmas!

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Happy New Year!

¡Salud! has two usages… it literally means "health", but you use this word when giving a toast “cheers!” and also when someone sneezes--the Spanish equivalent of “Bless you!”

¡Lo siento!

I'm sorry!

Another way to say “I’m sorry” is Perdón. This one is more of an “excuse me” phrase. Perdón, pero dónde están los baños? “Excuse me, but where are the bathrooms?”


Excuse me!

One expression that is similar to Lo siento is Disculpeme. It's more like "Pardon me." And when you’re late for a meeting, you can say…

¡Mil disculpas!

A thousand apologies!

When you have to interrupt a meeting, say…

Siento interrumpir.

Sorry to interrupt.

A polite way to ask someone to get out of your way, if you’re leaving a conversation, or leaving a table is to say…

Con permiso.

Excuse me.

If someone stepped on your toes and apologized you might want to say…

¡No se preocupe!

Don't worry! / No worries!

Why not check out some more lessons on Spanish phrases next? Here are some recommended lessons:

See you soon! ¡Hasta pronto!

Mauricio Evlampieff: Rocket Spanish

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