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Spanish Verbs Decir & Dar

Two of the most used verbs in Spanish are Decir & Dar. As in English, the verbs decir (to say or to tell) and dar (to give) are widely used in the Spanish language.

Like tener and venir, the verb decir is both stem-changing (-e to –i) and irregular in the “yo” form. The verb dar, on the other hand, is irregular in the “yo” form only (aside from an unstressed--e.g., unaccented--vosotros form).

It is a good idea to memorize each individual form of these verbs, as you will use them frequently.

Resources for further reading:

Subject pronoun DECIR - to say, to tell DAR - to give
Yo digo doy
dices das
Ud., él, ella dice da
Nosotros/as decimos damos
Vosotros/as decís dais
Uds., ellos, ellas dicen dan

How to pronounce Spanish Verbs Decir & Dar

Remember those indirect and direct object pronouns from the previous section? These verbs will give you the perfect chance to practice. Both are often used with indirect object pronouns. In other words, the action is performed for you or me, or he or she.

Por ejemplo (for example):

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¡Manuel te dice que no!

Manuel tells you no!

Tus amigos me dicen que la fiesta es el sábado.

Your friends tell me the party is on Saturday.

Yo te doy el dinero.

I give you the money.

Él me da el libro.

He gives me the book.

Ellos nos dan la comida.

They give us the food.

You can also use decir and dar to practice combining direct and indirect object pronouns.

Por ejemplo:

Él me lo dice.

He tells me it.

Ellos se los dicen.

They tell it to them.

Te lo doy.

I give it to you.

Vosotros me la decís.

You tell me it.

Nosotros se los damos.

We give it to them.

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