By taking the time to understand how the Spanish language works, you'll be able to speak Spanish naturally, and read and write in Spanish. We know this can be one of the more challenging parts of your course, and we’re here to help! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!
tú vs. usted in the Rocket Spanish course
I have a question about the use of tú in the Rocket Spanish lessons. In Lección 2.3, Amy is supposedly a reporter interviewing the famous singer, Señor Evlampieff. Though she addresses him as "Señor Evlampieff," she uses the second person ...
8 replies - Last post by nohablo - January 29, 2006
I have heard some people say _espere_ when meaning for someone to "wait," e.g., "Espere un momento, por favor." I thought that "you/he/she wait" was _espera_ and that espere (spelt esperé) was the preterit tense. Thanx.
1 reply - Last post by (deleted) - February 23, 2006
Now this is definitely stumping me. All three are used for "that," pero que es la regla? Gracias.
2 replies - Last post by nohablo - February 21, 2006
The following site is for "intercambio cultural." People wanting to chat in Spanish and/or English post their names and emails. I have found it helpful to chat online in Spanish and to help Spanish-speaking people with their English. This is...
0 replies - Last post by AnthonyLouis - February 17, 2006
Hola, In Lesson 4.4 the cooking of the steak is referred to as medio/poco hecha and also medio cruda. Why do we use the masculine forms of medio & poco when forms of hecha & cruda are feminine? Gracias, Randy
2 replies - Last post by Randy1 - February 16, 2006
Hola. In the "Conversación en español" section of this forum, I wanted to tell someone not to worry. I said "no te preocupes," mostly because my _Big Red Book of Spanish Verbs_ gives that as an example. However, I wonder why that'...
3 replies - Last post by Mariposa - February 15, 2006
Is there a rule for choosing when to use "por" or when to use "para" in a sentence?
3 replies - Last post by taalibeen - February 14, 2006
Tengo una pregunta sobre "que" y "lo que" I have a question concerning "que" and "lo que" In the Rocket Spanish conversation course booklet, it has "Lo que quieres" as "What you want." ...
2 replies - Last post by taalibeen - February 13, 2006
I understand that LO can mean him, her or it, but I'm at a loss of it's placement in a sentence. Why is it that it is placed before verbs, (eg, lo nesecito, lo conozco, etc), but when used with the verb escribir it is placed "afterwards" (escrib...
3 replies - Last post by (deleted) - February 7, 2006
Ser versus Estar con donde -- ser for location of EVENTS
In lesson 2.3 there is a question: ¿dónde está el concierto? My grammar book says to use "ser" with events rather than estar when asking "donde" Example: ¿Dónde es el próximo concierto de tu grupo musical favorito? The follo...
0 replies - Last post by AnthonyLouis - February 8, 2006
Hola, "¿En qué le puedo ayudar?" -- "How can I help you" or "In what can I help you"....I'm a little confused as it seems to me that "le/you" should be the direct object of this sentence, and would call for the pronoun "lo". Why is "le" used in this i...
4 replies - Last post by rlc - February 3, 2006
Hola Mauricio y Amy, I purchased your materials this past week and am very happy thus far with my choice. I have a question, potentially the first of many -- Both "Cuando...?" and "A que hora...?" are used in the course, written & audio. Is there...
4 replies - Last post by Randy1 - January 10, 2006
Spanish dictionary with pronunciations
One of the hardest thing about learning another language is being able to sound out words as you read them. Fortunately, Spanish is a phonetic language, which means that you can pretty much pronounce any word once you learn the basic alphabet. (Unlike th...
0 replies - Last post by (deleted) - October 3, 2005
Hi, I was just wondering how I would ask someone where 'the nearest ATM' is, or where 'an ATM' is. By ATM, I mean Automatic Teller Machine. What would be the most common way of asking this question to a stranger? Cheers!
1 reply - Last post by Mauricio - September 14, 2005
What's the difference between "sin que" and "sino que"?
1 reply - Last post by Mauricio - September 5, 2005