Spanish - Grammar

By taking the time to understand how the Spanish language works, you'll be able to speak Spanish naturally, and read and write in Spanish. We know this can be one of the more challenging parts of your course, and we’re here to help! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!

Español v. Castiliano

I wonder what are the main differences between Spanish as spoken in Spain (Castiliano) v. that spoken elsewhere (Español) and how well Rocket Spanish support the former? thanks Kai

3 replies - Last post by LarryV - August 5, 2008

estas and eres

hello. I am new to the spanish language. I just completed the first 2 lessons. 1.1 and 1.2. I find that both estas and eres mean are you. How do u know which one to use or if it even really matters which one to use.

3 replies - Last post by nohablo - August 5, 2008

What resources are in Rocket Spanish II?

Hola I have completed Rocket Spanish 1 and I am really pleased with what I have learned. I am considering buying Rocket Spanish 2, but I can't find anywhere if it is only the audio course or if there are other resources as there are in the first course. ...

5 replies - Last post by dhagstrom - August 1, 2008

Questions on Exersice 5 in the Advanced Spannish Book

Greetings, I have some questions concerning the subject lesson: Question 1----The # 5 sentence is as follows: Tú _____ a Señor Mendoza hace mucho tiempo calor ¿no? If I understand the sentence here it says that "You have known Señor Mendoza for a l...

4 replies - Last post by haroelant - July 30, 2008

Bueno as well

In 2.2 Amy states that saying Bueno me voy means well I am off. Is there a good way to know when to substitute bien and bueno? Thanks

3 replies - Last post by Mauricio - July 21, 2008

Como versus Como

Como is 'I eat' Como estas is 'how are you' Help, two words with the same spelling and pronounced the same way.

5 replies - Last post by diannagail - July 20, 2008

Para vs. Por

Can someone explain the difference between the use of "para" and "por"? It seems at times they are interchangeable but I know they aren't. I just haven't been able to figure out the rule, if there is one. I'm working my way through the lessons; I'm i...

4 replies - Last post by ronaldo - July 20, 2008

Learn Spanish Like Crazy

*I've seen a few references here to another course, LSLC. Is this program associated with RS? Is it a continuation of the RS course, or is it something that students use at the same time?* :?:

20 replies - Last post by Matumic - July 19, 2008

Destinos - Ayuda, por favor!

I've read many good things about Destinos, but am unable to play the streaming videos online, as the web page appears to be Mac-unfriendly. I tried downloading Flip4Mac, but it didn't seem to help. Any Mac users have the answer for me? Muchos gracias!

15 replies - Last post by luz - July 17, 2008

Sacar versus Tomar

Hello, In lesson 1.4 a photo is being taken using sacar instead of tomar. I've never heard it used in this context among the Spanish speaking population here in Orlando, Florida. Sacar is used as in "to take out" and tomar as in "to take." In what regi...

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - July 9, 2008

Mucha Calor

When I listened to the lesson about weather (3.3 I think) I noticed that Mauricio and Amy both were saying "mucha calor" which struck me as odd because I thought I remembered it as "mucho calor" in the "Behind the Wheel" lessons. I looked in the written ...

1 reply - Last post by Gregorio - July 7, 2008


Hola. I'd like to call everyone's attention to a website that may be a useful supplement to Rocket Spanish. It's called *SpanishPod *(not spanishpod101, which is different) and can be found at *__http://www.spanishpod.com__ *. It offers ver...

3 replies - Last post by CutThatCity - July 2, 2008

Need help on Page 38 Examples of Advanced Spanish Book

I am looking at the following statement, "Hace tres añ0s que estudio." I have a question on the "estudio". The book translates this as "I've studied for three years." or " I've been studying for three years". I think that "estudio" is the Yo form of th...

3 replies - Last post by nohablo - June 30, 2008

The use of "a" before a verb

I have a question on the following sentence found in the Advanced Spanish Book, "Quise aprender a tocar el piano". As I understand it, tocar means to play. I remember from the Beginning Spanish course, one must put "a" before addressing people. Tocar t...

2 replies - Last post by haroelant - June 12, 2008


As simple as it sounds, the word "a" is throwing me for a loop, and it may be that I have not gotten far enough to learn yet. However if we say "poco a poco" we are saying "little BY little." If we say "a la casa," we are saying "TO the house." So, is thi...

2 replies - Last post by jjk2000 - June 12, 2008

spanish schools in mexico

HI, does anyone have a suggestion as to what school would be good for a week of instructions?There are so many and i need an independent idea. Thank you :D

3 replies - Last post by cachoo - June 6, 2008

What's wrong with "¿qué?" for asking "what?&q

In lesson 2.4 Amy says very imphatically not to use "¿Qué?" when you haven't heard what someone has said and want to ask "What?". She says to use "¿Comó?" instead but gives no explanation. I've heard "¿Qué?" used in this way on Spanish television shows ...

6 replies - Last post by jjk2000 - June 6, 2008

Question on "It cost me"

In the Advanced Spanish CDs, the phrase, "Me Costó" was used. The translation is "It cost me". Why isn't "Me Costé" used since the é is the first person singular form? Thank you, Henk Roelant

5 replies - Last post by haroelant - June 5, 2008

Order of Sentence--Advanced Rocket Spanish book

On page 2 of the subject book the following is given, Upside down question mark, "El ano pasado viviste en Argentina, no?" Meaning, You lived in Argentina last year right? Can one also say: Upside down question mark, "Viviste en Argentina el ano pa...

5 replies - Last post by nohablo - May 29, 2008

My Spanish Coach

If you have a Nintendo DS, this is just another tool to add to your learning Spanish toolkit! I discovered it quite by accident, as someone gave my daughter the French Coach (she was taking French this year in high school) and I liked it! It won't teach...

0 replies - Last post by Loriann - May 15, 2008

Question on reflexive verb

This comes from an excersize in the beginner's book. The verb cepillarse (to brush oneself) is reflexive, but in the following usage, it is claimed that it's use here is not: "Mi mama(^) siempre me cepilla el pelo". At first I translated this as "My ...

5 replies - Last post by haroelant - May 10, 2008

Question on Beginner's Book, Chapter 6, Exercise 3

I have a question concerning the answer to Chapter 6, Exercise 3, number 5. This exercise has one filling in the blanks. For number five, the answer given was "Tia espera el bu(accent on u)s". Why isn't this instead ---Tia espera para/por el bus. Why ...

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - May 8, 2008

A question on the use of Gustar

On page 145 of the beginner's book the following is stated, "A mi me gustan las pin^~as". I'm not sure what the "A mi" is for since it seems that if I said "Me gustan las pin^~as" this would also mean, " I like pineapples". Please explain. Henk

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - May 1, 2008

Question on Beginner's Book, page 139 on Saber

I have a question concerning the example given on page 139 of the Beginner's Book, specifically example 1 "(upside down question, Sabes tu (accent on u) leer mu(accent on u)sica?". Why can't one say instead, "Tu sabes leer musica?. I note that in many i...

2 replies - Last post by haroelant - April 30, 2008

Necesito Ayudar!!

I feel like I have hit rock bottom in my learning Spanish and I am trying hard nto to give up. That being said, can someone plese help me understand the whole past tense or give me another way to lok at things to learn it faster. I am so lost. Also, ca...

10 replies - Last post by Alan-LaCala - April 29, 2008

Question on Beginners Spanish Course--Exercise 4, number 2

In doing Exercise 4, number 2 one has to put the right order of the words given. The order I gave was the following, " Que(can't show accent) diciendo me estas(can't show accent). The answer given in the back is as follows: "Que me estas diciendo". I a...

2 replies - Last post by haroelant - April 24, 2008

Just not getting it

I recently bought the Rocket Spanish and I find it very helpful. I have been learning Spanish for a few years now (I have gotten frustrated and have stopped on and off). I read it very well, but hearing it is still a problem as well as speaking. Is this a...

4 replies - Last post by ronaldo - April 20, 2008


Hola amigos. Tengo una pregunta. En leccion 1.4 level 2 Carmen replies "no me acuerdo" regarding trying to remember the last time she went to the the movies. ¿Porque es no " recuerdo"? Me gusta Rocket Spanish mucho. Muy buenos a todos. Ricardo

2 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - April 14, 2008

Question on Beginners Book, Section 3.4 "vuestro"

Hello, I note that on page 84 right the highligted section for Understanding Possessive Adjectives there is for the Row, "vuestro/a" the translation "your(formal)". I was under the impression that vuestro/a was the informal version? Otherwise the que...

2 replies - Last post by haroelant - April 2, 2008

Biblical conversations in Spanish

I am going with our church youth group on a mission trip to Mexico this summer and I need some training in Biblical conversations and witnessing. My demonimation is Southern Baptist.[/img]

2 replies - Last post by rufus1 - March 27, 2008

Question on "ti" as found on page 101

Hello, I noticed in the "Por Ejemplo" the following sentence, "Te invito a ti y nadie mas", where "ti" is the indirect object noun. I couldn't find anything in the Beginner's Spanish book before page 101 that deals with indirect object nouns and th...

1 reply - Last post by Mauricio - March 24, 2008

ayuda con "gustar"

Hola. Which of the following, if either, is correct to say. ¿Le gustaría ir conmigo?, o ¿Gustarías ir conmigo? (Would you like to go with me?) Gracias por al ayuda. <--(¿correcto decir esta?)

3 replies - Last post by nohablo - March 13, 2008

Help! Pronouns!

I felt I was making pretty good progress until I came to pronouns! :shock: I am confused by an example in the grammar book, on page 102. The sentence is "Ellos nos lo piden" and the translation is "They ask us for it." According to the rule that the indi...

4 replies - Last post by nailteach - March 8, 2008

Como se dice Do you have your paycheck stubs? in Espanol?

Como se dice Do you have your paycheck stubs? in Espanol? I am learning and things are going great. thanks for the help

4 replies - Last post by Mauricio - March 6, 2008

Using the actual root verb

Hola. When do you use the root verb, if it is used at all? For example, which of the following is correct? Voy a caminar a la tienda. Voy a camino a la tienda. Do these mean the same thing? Is the root verb, in this case caminar, ever used i...

3 replies - Last post by nohablo - March 5, 2008

Question on Beginners Spanish Chapter 2

I have a question concerning Exercise 1, Question 6. It is asking for the right verb conjugation. The sentence is "Casuela y yo nadar los fines de semana.". I put nadan for the conjugation, but the answer in the book claims nadamos. Why is this the we...

2 replies - Last post by haroelant - January 21, 2008

GREAT College Level Spanish Book - Used in many colleges

I've found a great resource for learning not only Spanish outside the Rocket Spanish program, but also about the Latin culture. It's used in college Spanish level I, II, and III classes. *The book info is: Dos Mundos Student Edition with Online Learn...

2 replies - Last post by msticker - January 17, 2008

How to pronounce the 'c' and 'z'

Aside from Rocket Spanish, I'm also taking a classroom course. In that course, the teacher says 'c' before 'e' or 'i' = 'th', and the letter 'z' has a 'th' sound too. I'm confused. Which one is correct, and which one should I use?

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - January 8, 2008

Beginners Spanish Course-Chapter 1 Questions

Greetings, I got the course relatively recently and after having finished the Chapter 1 questions I have 6 questions concerning the material on Chapter 1: 1) This is respect to Page 40, Exercise 1, where one has to fill in either el, la, los or las...

3 replies - Last post by haroelant - January 4, 2008

Poco doesn't change to poca???

My Spanish friend tells me this sentence is correct: Estoy *un* poc*o* loc*a* hoy. (I am female). Why isn't it: Estoy una poca loca hoy???? I don't get it. Sometimes poco changes to poca and sometimes it doesn't?? Hope someone can help me figure this...

2 replies - Last post by schrades - January 3, 2008

Relexive Verb - Enfermarse

I am confused in using the reflexive verb "enfermarse". ¿Cómo se dice: "Ana is sick"? I read in a Beginner's Spanish book as "Ana está enferma". I thought, it should be "Ana se enferma". As per Rocket Spanish Beginner's Manual (6.3), the verb "enfermar...

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - November 24, 2007

Spanish Radio

what are some Spanish speaking radio stations in Wisconsin? anybody on here from Wisconsin? Cheers :D

1 reply - Last post by bkdamon - November 16, 2007

Formal or Informal

I am a nurse studying spanish in order to communicate more elegantly with my patients. What is the proper way to address my patients? With the formal because they are strangers to me, or with the informal because I am a "person in an authority" position? ...

1 reply - Last post by Phillip-Carracher - November 3, 2007

LSLC and transcripts. sm

I am soooooo baaaaaaad! I did end up getting LSLC and I think it's a good program, but I'm a person who likes transcripts in both English and Spanish and the LSLC transcripts are in Spanish.. so, guess what I did? A while back i bought a translation softw...

1 reply - Last post by Matumic - October 28, 2007

A Few Questions

I have a few requests, and I was wondering if anyone could help me out. (1) I am working through Rocket Spanish (levels 1 and 2) in parallel with Rosetta Stone (Latin American version 3, levels 1-3). Rocket is an awesome course, btw. Very pragmatic. ...

2 replies - Last post by dthf90210 - October 16, 2007

Tell me if I did this right

I've been working on the beginners course for about a month and find it helpful to write stuff out. I just tried to imagine a simple conversation I had with both my kids on a few occasions. I don't know if I got it right, though. Kid says: Quiero ir a ...

1 reply - Last post by Mauricio - October 9, 2007

Quick question, pronunciation of &quot;d&quot;

Hola, I am very new to learning spanish and only have been studying it for a few weeks. My resources are not only Rocket Spanish but also Learning Spanish like Crazy. The two seem to compliment each other in that LSLC immediately has you start conjugat...

1 reply - Last post by Mauricio - October 2, 2007

Why use que

Hola todos, I have a question. Why say, " que tengas un muy bien dias" instead of, "tengas un muy bien dias"? What is the importance of the "que"? To me it sounds like, "what have a very good day". Me appre...

4 replies - Last post by Mauricio - August 22, 2007

a y al

Hola. I get confused on when to use a and al. For example: Voy a la tienda. Voy al supermercado. Is it generally gender specific? If the noun is feminine you use a la and if it is masculine you use al and drop the el. Am I thinking correctly?...

4 replies - Last post by TPMaple - August 21, 2007

formal/informal uses in spain

ola,amigos, i am new to the forums but feel as if i am doing well,however,do the spanish{not latin americans{get really offended if you do not use the formal terms i.i usted,if you have just met them,is this practice of formal/informal of such great impo...

2 replies - Last post by maria336 - July 4, 2007

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