Spanish - Grammar

By taking the time to understand how the Spanish language works, you'll be able to speak Spanish naturally, and read and write in Spanish. We know this can be one of the more challenging parts of your course, and we’re here to help! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!

Pronouns (of course)

If I ever figure out pronouns I shall celebrate. In the following phrase "Un gusto conocerte" the "te" goes at the end of "conocer". Similarly in the phrase "levantarme" the personal pronoun is at the end of th...

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - June 22, 2010


Hola a todas Does anyone know how to pronouce this word? It's a bark from off a tree in Ecuador. Mil gracias

4 replies - Last post by nohablo - June 17, 2010


I am having a lot of trouble knowing when to use the subjective, can anyone help me with the secret of knowing. Just when I think I am using the right form I read somewhere or hear somewhere I'm wrong. Kathy

4 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - June 12, 2010

Here's a way to practice rolling R's

I had a friend from Cuba who was in grammar school in the 30's. He said this was the practice drill that was used to teach them when roll their R's. And it was good practice. Ere con ere cigarro. Ere con ere barril. Rapido corren los carros, Sobre los rai...

1 reply - Last post by Timaca - May 23, 2010

Body parts

I read that when mentioning a body part we are to use definite articles (el, la, los, las) instead of the possessive adjective (mi, tu, su, etc.) but one of the examples on the site says "Tengo dos lápices en __*mi*__ mano," Why is that, and wh...

0 replies - Last post by Jay2 - May 21, 2010

Indirect Object Pronouns

In the following three examples why bother using the indirect object pronoun? 1. Jenny le está escribiendo una carta a su padre. Why plug in "le"? It seems perfectly clear without it. 2. Carlos quiere darles algo a ustedes. Why add "les&q...

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - May 21, 2010

Direct and Indirect Objects

Hi, I'm a little confused here in the grammar sections on direct objects, it states that: The direct object comes BEFORE the verb Yet in the example it says: Los estoy comprando. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the verb COMPRANDO? Doesn't that expre...

3 replies - Last post by BooniesPete - May 20, 2010

Reflexive Verbs

I was working the quiz on 20.7.1 and one question involved the verb dormirse. Is..."Me puedo dormirme?" correct or are there actually two reflexive parts in this. I would have expected either..."Puedo dormirme?" or "Me puedo do...

2 replies - Last post by oscar-lake - May 18, 2010

Free Video Lessons

Hola amigos, I recently found this site by way of the Learning Spanish Like Crazy forum Free video instruction available for the entire year of 2010. I started my studies with Rocket Spanish level 1 then 2. Recently...

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - May 18, 2010

Followup "se"/"me"

Still working on the se and me questions. I thought I had it worked out till I saw, El monje se lleva la comida. What is the reason for the "se" I thought the above phase would be fine without the "se" Thanks in advance... tjv

7 replies - Last post by sjlkh - May 6, 2010

Words ending with 'se'

Hi Guys, Could you explain to me about words ending with 'se' and what affect it has on a word or verb? Many Thanks Stephen

2 replies - Last post by StephenGardner - April 26, 2010

rule re: changing end to "a" if you are female ex: encantada

I am sure this is a common question. I learned that you say encantada if you are female, encantado if you are male. On the second lesson, amy says "necesito" I would have thought that she would make it "necesita". What are the rules on...

1 reply - Last post by ricardo-rich - April 21, 2010

Cómo está or Cómo está usted?

This may seem like a simple question, can someone tell me when asking asking "how someone is" in a formal situation is it required to include usted in the phrase or to simply say "Cómo está? Thanks.

3 replies - Last post by Mauricio - April 18, 2010

Important Verbs

Hi Guys, Hope your enjoying Easter. I wanted to ask a question in relation to which are the 3 most important verbs to master to be able to have an able conversation. Thanks for your help. Stephen

4 replies - Last post by StephenGardner - April 7, 2010

Pronounciation and dialects

Hola, I was just wondering if there is a resource where I can compare the different dialects of Spanish and what their commonalities and differences are. I am primarily learning Spanish to visit Spain itself, rather than South America. Therefore, it woul...

4 replies - Last post by tjv - April 5, 2010

Typing in Spanish . . ?

¿ Yo tengo una pregunta? Who on here types using Spanish Characters? you know … these characters ¡¿áéóú etc. You can accomplish this by using the U.S. International keyboard layout. I was wondering how many of you would use a small piece of software th...

10 replies - Last post by Dawsmonkee - March 31, 2010

Stem Changing verb HELP

Hello, I right now am stuck at trying to figure out stem changing verbs, how to learn and remember them? does anyone know any good tips, technique or something.

1 reply - Last post by Mauricio - March 29, 2010

rolling your r's

How important is the ability to roll the r's? I can now do it but it doesn't happen automatically and in sentences is very hard to just do. In terms of being understood, does it matter? I notice on the recordings that sometimes it is rolled and sometim...

1 reply - Last post by Mauricio - March 29, 2010

Another "SE" question

Hola, Here is another question about "SE" In Pimsluer's course they have the phase: El cajero automatico se ha comido mi tarjeta. When does one know when to use "se" in a phase like this???

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - March 27, 2010

An Additional Reflexive Pronoun?

Hola; I am practicing the flash cards and have a question regarding reflexive pronoun usage. In the example "Peter siempre se ve muy ordenado" I understand the the "se" is referring to Peter because he, himself, looks tidy. In the s...

2 replies - Last post by marti1 - March 26, 2010

Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives -

I am almost certain the answers to the exercises are in some cases wrong! ¡Ja! Allí está. ¿Es esa (4) tu maleta? -- Surely 'esa' is a pronoun; put into a direct sentence: 'Esa es tu maleta.' makes it plain that it is 'That one ...' Simlarly: 'Es negra...

2 replies - Last post by Mauricio - March 15, 2010

listening and learning

I have been doing Rocket Spanish for a few years and feel very much indebted to this program. Now that I am taking a formal spanish class, I realize how much better it has been for me to learn just by listening. When I now try to be grammatically correct,...

1 reply - Last post by Mauricio - March 15, 2010

Is the subjunctive ever addressed?

Where is the subjunctive addressed in Rocket Spanish? Is it in the Premium Plus?

1 reply - Last post by your monkeys uncle - March 14, 2010

estar and ser- re: fue in preterit

Hello, I was running through lesson 11.4 and noticed 'it was a very entertaining experience' used 'fue' to express 'it was'. Why is this not written as 'estuvo' since it is a temporary instance, as I was lead to believe all 'estar' conjugations were?

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - March 6, 2010


I purchased Rocket Spanish Premium and Premium Plus a week ago. I like the lessons themselves, but I'm TOTALLY confused about the other resources, and one-email-at-a-time with sometimes 2-3 day responses from HELP is driving me CRAZY. I have Mega Games, w...

2 replies - Last post by nohablo - February 26, 2010

Nos es?

I just came across this sentence in an email- "Nos es muy grato saber que..." I understand what he's saying but the grammar seems completely at odds with what I know of Spanish. Nos is a pronoun, so why is he using is as "we"? Shou...

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - February 12, 2010

The use of "A" before a name of a person or a pronoun

The use of "A" before a name of a person or a pronoun. Ex. A Maria le gusta bailar. Is it wrong to say/write: Maria le gusta bailar. Why do you have to use an "A" before the name? And if you talk directly to a person whos name is fo...

3 replies - Last post by tuba - February 10, 2010

advanced grammer book

I bought rocket spanish in 2006 and printed the beginners book and half the advanced- i need to replace some pages and print the rest of the advanced book but can't locate it on the site- its not all in the new interactive lessons. Is it still available s...

3 replies - Last post by bvandy - February 5, 2010

Commands - familiar or polite (formal)?

In lesson 2.4 the following appears: Ah. Mira, ¿esta calle? Siga recto dos cuadras. ¿Recto, entiendes? ¿Derecho, recto? It seems to me that: Mira is tu (familiar) form of command. Mire would be usted (polite/formal) form of command. Siga is usted (polit...

2 replies - Last post by ElHombre - January 14, 2010

Esperarme o esperar para mi?

Can someone please help me? I have been thinking about the sentence "Can you wait for me?" Is it correct to say "Puedes esperarme?" or "Puedes esperar para mi?" I'm confused! Venetia

2 replies - Last post by nohablo - January 10, 2010

Para and Por

Is there a rule when to use the word "para" and the word "por"? EXAMPLE Para cuantas las personas? Por cuantos dias? Is there a rule when to use the word "en" and the word "de"? EXAMPLE Porque voy de vacaciones.

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - December 31, 2009

Help WIth Grammar

Hi, I have been going through Rocket Spanish and finding the conversational stuff ok, but the grammar lessons very difficult even getting 0% on a quiz. I was wondering what should be done here as in should I just go over it? I have been doing ok with the...

3 replies - Last post by nohablo - December 29, 2009

escuchar o oir?

In lesson 13.10 you have: 1. Escucho cantar el pájaro. - I hear the bird sing. and in an earlier lesson: 'Los vecinos eschuchan todo lo que dices.', or something similar (and correct, which this may not be) again translated as 'hear'. Escuchar is also...

3 replies - Last post by nohablo - December 23, 2009

Me Gustaria

Do the terms Me "Gustaria" and "Quisiera" mean the same thing -- I would like? Perhaps they are terms used in different Latino cultures? Thank you, Mac

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - December 18, 2009

light at the end of the tunnel.....or not ?

News flash

0 replies - Last post by Antonio - December 12, 2009

Blog - My Spanish Notes

Since blogging is all the rage these days, I figured I'd getting into the blogging business myself, and I decided that my blog should be about the latest passion in my life, learning Spanish. My blog is all about the things I pick up from talking with Sp...

11 replies - Last post by rodneyp - November 1, 2009

beginner books?

does anybody know where i can find the rocket spanish beginners books? i have contaqcted rocket languages 3 times and they have yet to get back to me...Can anybody help me please? thank you.

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - October 10, 2009

lesson 2.4 cuadros or cuadras?

In the conversation, it emphasises "cuadra/s" meaning a block, with "cuadro/s" meaning a picture. In the quiz it seems to use "cuadros" for block - is that a misprint?

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - October 8, 2009


How do you use quedar/quedarse ? Do you use quedar like the verb gustar with the indirect pronomen? For example: is this sentence correct? Me quedan solamente dos semanas para volver a Noruega? Why not "Me quedo solamente......

1 reply - Last post by JackOBrien - October 1, 2009

finamente molido fino

I have a bag of totopos (tortilla chips) with some advertising copy that reads, "Hecho con maiz finamente molido fino..." That strikes me as redundant. Is there a reason for the repetition? (The corresponding English version is unremarkable: ...

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - October 1, 2009

No llevo falda

At the end of the bonus lesson on clothing, after Amy describes what she's wearing, Mauricio says, "Yo no llevo falda!" I would have expected either "Yo no llevo faldas" ("I don't wear skirts") or "Yo no llevo una falda...

0 replies - Last post by wmm - September 26, 2009

Una mapa or Un mapa?

Which is correct when asking for a map?

5 replies - Last post by vincep - September 22, 2009

Need help! Beginners Book Review 6.4 Excercise 1

Hi, I thought I had this but I guess not. For question 1: 1. A Eduardo Y Ramon les gusta comer las hamburguesas. ?Te gustan las hamburguesas? Why is the first sentence not "les gustan comer las hamburguesas" since hamburguesas is plura? Q...

1 reply - Last post by wmm - September 17, 2009


The word correr is (to run) Salgo a correr todos los días .... is translated as I go running everyday shouldn't it be "I go to run everyday" and salgo corriando todos los dias ..would be I go runing everyday thanks frank

1 reply - Last post by Antonio - September 13, 2009

keep off

i wanted to translate "I can't keep my eyes off of you"" from the music...but ran into the challenge of what verb to use. seems to be about four verbs that mean to keep off keep away keep from, etc. anyone help??? amazing how what I ...

2 replies - Last post by my2divots - September 6, 2009

se le ha perdido VS. ha perdido

¿Es correcto en lugar de "*se le ha perdido*" decir mas corto "*ha pedido*"? en las situaciones como, por ejemplo: *A ella se le han perdido las llaves.* _VS._ *Ella ha pedido las llaves.* *A él se le ha perdido su dinero suelto.* _V...

2 replies - Last post by Mauricio - September 2, 2009

?Como te va?

In the email introducing the lesson of the verb ir, it gives the subject sentence for: How's it going? Literally, I'm guessing it means: How go you? So, how come it's not either: ?Como se va? or Como te vas? (Sorry about the missing accents on Como. I for...

4 replies - Last post by Mauricio - September 2, 2009

need help

need help i am spanish speaking person and just want to learn every word in spanish and how to prononce them. i already know how to speak all the basic words and how to respond to them. my main goal is learning the much more difficult words and their mea...

2 replies - Last post by Theresa2 - July 28, 2009


Could someone please explain the difference, in plain English between the Preterite and the Imperfect Tenses

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - June 28, 2009

Temperatura en la casa o habitiación

Hola amigos, Necessito ayuda. Se dice hace frio o está lloviendo cuando hablando sobre el clima, pero ¿cómo se dice? "It is hot, cold etc. in this house or room. Muchas gracias, Ricardo

2 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - June 26, 2009

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