By taking the time to understand how the Spanish language works, you'll be able to speak Spanish naturally, and read and write in Spanish. We know this can be one of the more challenging parts of your course, and we’re here to help! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!
20.5 PDF - About the subjunctive The following passage occurs in lesson 20.5: “The personal 'a' is not used with direct objects that are indefinite or nonexistent (that is, a hypothetical person, place, or thing) EXCEPT before 'alguien' and 'nadie'. Look...
1 reply - Last post by Patrice-B - November 17, 2011
In lession 20.1, they give this translation: “Es incómodo hablar con alguien conquien estuviste saliendo hace poco.” “It's uncomfortable to speak to someone who you went out with for a little while.” To me, “hace poco” means “a while ago, recently”. Can ...
2 replies - Last post by Raymot - November 14, 2011
How do you say "Me name is"
Hola! Como Estas? Estoy muy bien... And i need help saying my name is spanish =/ can you guys please help me? If you can that will be so helpful!
4 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - November 13, 2011
¿Puede alguien explicar cómo usar "vosotros" e "ir" a decir "you went," "you are going," y "you will go"? Can someone explain how to use "vosotros" and "ir" to say "you went," "you are going," and "you will go"?
3 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - November 13, 2011
Why is it Cual es el pronostico del tiempo instead of Que es el pronostico.......................
1 reply - Last post by Raymot - November 11, 2011
in the spanish language do you use the word for 'have' the same ways as in english? e.g. "i have to go now" or "i have improved" or "i haven't start yet" If not how would things like this be said? muchas gracias
3 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - November 7, 2011
I apologize if this has already been posted. Good Evening, I am new here and I have just begun the program. I was following the Language and Culture section when i came across this statement ¿Cúando fue el doctor a ver a la señora? The translation says th...
3 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - October 5, 2011
Use of "sí" in 12.2
Al fin de leccion 12.2 Chilean History, Mauricio dice, "Pero las fiestas, ¡de esas sí me acordaba!" Como se explica el uso de "sí"? Qué es la forma o función gramatical? Gracias por su ayuda.
3 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - October 4, 2011
Why was the t added to parque?
1 reply - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - September 14, 2011
Yo ví (I saw) ---> Me gusta éste, pero prefiero ése. en un lecion en una web pagina aqui pero... "Me gusta esto, pero prefiero eso" <---¿es correcto verdad?
1 reply - Last post by Pascal-P - August 11, 2011
Is there a difference to when either word (quiza or quizas) is used or do they both mean exactly the same thing and using one or the other makes no difference?
1 reply - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - July 23, 2011
I've seen "a donde" used in the Conversation Course book and "adonde" used in the Grammar book. Do these two words mean the same thing, but can be spelled in 2 different ways?
3 replies - Last post by Michelle-F - June 17, 2011
any suggestions or help would be much appreciated...
9 replies - Last post by Esther-S - June 15, 2011
Has anyone used this verb conjugation training software? I have looked at it on line and it seems as though it could be quite useful. Before I buy it however, I would like to get some feedback from actual users if possible. Muchas gracias.
3 replies - Last post by nohablo - May 16, 2011
Direct/Indirect object pronouns
This is from 4.6 and 4.7. "Quiero comprar un regalo por Teresa." Teresa is the indirect object, which becomes le. But why is the correct way "Le quiero comprar un regalo" and not "Quiero le comprar un regalo"?
2 replies - Last post by nohablo - May 16, 2011
Hola! I downloaded MegaSpanish software and think it is great. I see MegaVocab and MegaAudio, but where is MegaVerbs? Mega Spanish PC version File type: exe File size: 29.93 MB Click here to download this file. The Rocket Spanish Software for PC User...
7 replies - Last post by William-H1 - May 8, 2011
Does grammar in the lessons get more advanced?
Hola! I just finished Lesson 1.3, and so far my extent of Spanish grammar knowledge is this: Quiero=I want and Quieres=You want. I know I'm not far into the course, but I was wondering: does the grammar get more advanced as the lessons go on? Is there exp...
2 replies - Last post by Abigail-- - May 5, 2011
I'm a brand new spanish student. In the lesson about food and drink, why does "para" need to be before "tomar" if tomar means "to drink"? Wouldn't "para tomar" then mean "to to drink?"
1 reply - Last post by Adrian.W - April 1, 2011
Could someone please explain this to me. In one of the lessons the phrase "Me voy contigo" is used. Why does "Me voy contigo" mean I am going with you. Why wouldn't you say "Yo voy contigo"?
2 replies - Last post by Cathy-M - March 30, 2011
In lesson 2.6, the sentence used is "Voy a escribirlo en la manana." I can't find the word "escribirlo" in any of the 14 tenses in my verb book. It isn't referred to anywhere in the Beginners Spanish Book either. Would you please explain the 'lo' endi...
3 replies - Last post by nohablo - March 19, 2011
when to use "a" with que vas
In the conversations on travel there is the phrase: Que vas a hacer? When I speak to my Spanish friends they say that they do not use the "a". Instead they leave out the "a" and say Que vas hacer? In other parts of the conversation on travel the phrase Qu...
2 replies - Last post by nohablo - March 14, 2011
When you are asking someone what they do for a living what phrase is used? En que trabajas? or Que Haces? Are these interchangeable?
2 replies - Last post by nohablo - March 13, 2011
Imperfect and indefinido verbs in the same sentence
Is this correct? (the verbs are in capitals) A:?Qué problemas tuviste antes de volver? B: Cuando ESTABA PREPARANDO mis maletas REVISé mis documentos y me di cuenta de que no TENíA mi pasaporte! A:y qué hiciste entonces? B:!Pues LLAMé inmediatamenta a ...
0 replies - Last post by vanessa-- - March 11, 2011
I have just found this neat trick/acronym for helping to select the correct verb "to be". Ser: Acronym = BOOT. B....Basic characteristics. O....Origin. O....Occupations. T....Time. Estar: Acronym = FLAT. F.....Feelings. L.....Location. A.....and. T.....T...
0 replies - Last post by sjlkh - March 10, 2011
Hola :) I am a real newbie to this...and after a trip to Mexico last year (btw...i am one of those stupid tourists who have been answering "estoy muy caliente" to the question "how do u feel",so i got a good laugh when i read that part of the beginners bo...
2 replies - Last post by Eric-J - February 26, 2011
What is the difference between ser and estar?
6 replies - Last post by Ron-H - February 7, 2011
Another "sale" question
In one of the first lessons Amy says.... ¿Cuándo sale el tren al aeropuerto? Then Mauricio replies....El tren al aeropuerto sale a las cinco de la mañana en punto. My question is, when Amy speaks would it be wrong to say..."Cuando el tren sale al aerop...
0 replies - Last post by Linda-L - February 4, 2011
I have another one. What is the difference between Hacer and Trabajar and where would I use each?
3 replies - Last post by Pascal-P - January 25, 2011
Are these verbs interchangeable or is there a certain instance where each should be used?
2 replies - Last post by James-K1 - January 24, 2011
What does "se" mean in "Se le ofrece algo mas" ?
3 replies - Last post by Esther-L - January 22, 2011
Hi, Normally, I see adjetives placed after a noun in Spanish as in "una casa blanca." However, sometimes, adjectives come before the noun. For example, "un buen amigo." Why is this so and what are the the rules for placement of the...
3 replies - Last post by Esther-L - January 16, 2011
need an explanation of "gustar"
Ok, so I am soooo lost with some uses of "gustar". For instance: Why do you have to say "A mi" in front of the sentence "I like cats" = A mi me gustan los gatos. Why can you not just say: Me gustan los gatos. Also, why do you not use "gustamo...
5 replies - Last post by sjlkh - January 14, 2011
What is the difference between que and de que in terms of que being a relative pronoun and de que being a conjunction. I see de que used in place of que all the time, but have no idea why. In terms of being understood does it matter using one instead of...
5 replies - Last post by Pascal-P - January 7, 2011
Cuál es el pronóstico del tiempo
Why couldn't you use Que ? instead of Cuál
6 replies - Last post by sjlkh - January 2, 2011
The audio mentions the Beginner's Guide for review. Where do I locate that?
20 replies - Last post by nohablo - December 29, 2010
I'm confused about me versus yo. I understand that "Yo gusto" is I like; but then why is Me gustaria "I would like?" Why not "Yo gustaria?"
1 reply - Last post by sjlkh - December 29, 2010
when do we use es & when do we use esta like es muy amable why not esta with accent on top of a?
They are both correct in that they are the third person conjugation of Ser and Estar. The difference however is that the use of es/ser suggests that the subject is always or inherently kind. The use of está/estar suggests that the subject is only kind on ...
0 replies - Last post by sjlkh - December 7, 2010
I want to say 'They continued to run around in the field" but I'm not sure which past tense to use. Is continuing something an event ( a decision to keep doing something), or timeline? I want to say a timeline, and the correct translation would be Ellos ...
0 replies - Last post by Stephanie-D - November 7, 2010
¿Qué tipo de tour le gustaría hacer?
I'm a bit confused on the last part of this - 'le gustaria hace'. Why is 'le' needed? - what kind of tour THE would you like?
1 reply - Last post by nohablo - November 4, 2010
¿Tienes tú los libros de la biblioteca? I'm a bit confused. Why write tienes tú, if tienes already means you have, or in this case, do you have? Why the extra tú? Could the sentence be written "Tienes los libros de la biblioteca?" Is there a grammar less...
1 reply - Last post by Rachel-S - October 29, 2010
on lesson 1.7 the word salir is pronounced differently between Amy and Maricio in the phase Tenemos que salir
1 reply - Last post by ricardo-rich - September 20, 2010
In many courses for Spanish that I have seen, the "a" is said to be pronounced like in the English word father. This seems incorrect to me. It sounds like it should be pronounced like last, past, apple. Please comment
1 reply - Last post by nohablo - August 4, 2010
Hi Guys, What is the difference between the similar sentences below and could they both be used? Tienes alguna amiga bonita que este soltera Tienes alguna amiga bonita que esta soltera Reservo el segundo piso un restoran que solo tenia una mesa. Rerser...
0 replies - Last post by StephenGardner - July 28, 2010
Hola. In lesson 14.5 "solo... sinon" is used with the word tambien (also). If "sinon" means "but also" is "tambien" optional? i.e. Clarisa es una chica no solo especial sino considerada. Would this sentence, wi...
2 replies - Last post by Jim_4 - July 13, 2010
Hola, I am so confused over the verbs involving "h" eg. "No hay nada". Does that "hay" come from "haber' = to have? please. What about "Hago"? Is that from "Hacer"? I guess what I really need are the ...
1 reply - Last post by nohablo - July 11, 2010
"Como no conocer a nadie" - this expression is used in the written dialogue but in the spoken lesson it seems this expression is used interchangeably with "no conozco a nadie". When is the infinitive used rather than the first perso...
1 reply - Last post by sjlkh - July 10, 2010
Hola, I have a very quick question. I'm working my way through the Rocket Spanish course and I have come across Como te llamas I also have a book on Latin American Spanish, and this shows Como se llamas Can they both be used or is one used in a spec...
2 replies - Last post by Pallando - July 3, 2010
Here/There... allá acá allí aquí
Hi! Can someone please tell me when to use allá, acá, allí and aquí? I'm a bit confused about what means what and where you use them. Thanks!
1 reply - Last post by ricardo-rich - July 2, 2010
Hola a todas Is there some one on this forum that could explain to me what a past particle is.? Or maybe direct me to a website that explains it very well, so this gringo can understand what it means. :) Gracias mil Cathy
5 replies - Last post by nohablo - July 1, 2010
Hello I've downloaded the games and feel I need to study the verb forms before using Mega verbs. Please tell me the 50 verbs in the program . I'll study the conjugations. Then I'll be able to get some use out of the program. namaste
0 replies - Last post by namaste - June 30, 2010