Spanish - Grammar

By taking the time to understand how the Spanish language works, you'll be able to speak Spanish naturally, and read and write in Spanish. We know this can be one of the more challenging parts of your course, and we’re here to help! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!

Que, Cual, Cuales

How do i know when to use Que, Cual, and Cuales ? what is the rule for each usage please

0 replies - Last post by anthonylee-- - April 6, 2014

Correlating masculine / feminine subjects

Es sólo una expresión, Amy, no tienes que tomarlo tan literal. Shouldn't this be "tomarla" since the subject is "una expresión"?

10 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - March 31, 2014

Use of present perfect subjunctive

I've spent this week trying to master some rules in the subjunctive. Is this a correct statement to say in the present perfect subjunctive Espero que hayas cubierto la comida. I hope you(may) have covered the food.

3 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - March 28, 2014

Favorite author/poet/writer

What I would like to happen is for someone to ask something in English and someone else will translate the question in Spanish and also answer the same question in Spanish. I would like to start. There is a lesson about Chilean writers. Who is your favori...

3 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - March 24, 2014

10 video lessons on the subjunctive

Hola amigos, The link below is 10 lessons on the subjunctive from Light Speed Spanish which I found well worth viewing. Saludos, Rich

5 replies - Last post by John-H8 - March 21, 2014

Actividades del Día

Estoy siguiendo el consejo de Patrice o Diane y pensando sobre mis actividades en Español. Tengo dos preguntas: 1. ¿Cómo se dice "take a shower" en Español? ¿Tomar una ducha? 2. ¿Cómo se dice "I get dressed"? Gracias por tu ayuda. Saludos, Dan

10 replies - Last post by o.h. - March 15, 2014

Past tense

Hi, I can't find any course on past tense, future tense etc... on the site. Am I blind or does the course not cover it ? Regards, TM

5 replies - Last post by o.h. - March 15, 2014

Como vs. cómo

In the phrase, "how to speak about the past", why is it "como hablar del pasado" instead of "cómo hablar del pasado"? Or is it a typo?

4 replies - Last post by o.h. - March 15, 2014

question about para tomar

In lesson 1-3 why is _para_ necessary in _queiro algo para tomar_? Also, when should you use _tomar_ and when should you use _beber_? I thought _tomar_ was 'to take' and _beber_ was 'to drink'. Then In the next lesson you use _sacar_ for 'to take' i...

28 replies - Last post by o.h. - March 15, 2014

changing person verb tenses en a sentence

"todos se quedan callados y ponemos caras" Interesting. Is Spanish "loose" in this sense? I would have expected one of the following: - todos se quedan callados y ponen caras" - todos (nosotros) nos quedamos callados y ponemos caras" Thanks.

4 replies - Last post by Patrice-B - March 7, 2014

Use of "en" versus "con" in a sentence

One of your sentences in MegaCards Beginners is: Tengo un problema en la mano derecha. Why is "en" used instead of "con" in this sentence? If this simply a language usage difference, how do I know when to use "en" or "con"?

9 replies - Last post by Dan-H24 - February 12, 2014


I was looking for a good flashcard program with which to study verbs and found Quizlet. It seems better than others I have used. Just wondered if anyone else has used it?

2 replies - Last post by o.h. - February 10, 2014

spanish nouns

in spanish all nouns are either maculine or femenine so it was wondering how a door could be femenine

13 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - February 7, 2014

using the word, vaya

why do you use, vaya, when you say, vaya una cuadra

11 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - February 5, 2014

the vs. some

how do you say the pencils how do you say some pencils

5 replies - Last post by Dan-H24 - February 5, 2014

de quién y cuyo

¿De quiénes son los sombreros que están en la mesa? ¿Cuyos sombreros están sobre la mesa? Are both sentences correct? If so, which sentence would I be more likely to hear?

2 replies - Last post by diranu - January 29, 2014

Lesson on Direct and Indirect Pronouns

I don't understand why there seems to be an extra "le" or "les" in sentences such as Jorge le pide los libros a Carla. Which is translated as George asks Carla for the books. Les explicamos los chistes a Uds. We explain the jokes to you.

13 replies - Last post by diranu - January 19, 2014

personal a

I am confused about which verbs you should use the personal a with. I know it is for people or for objects for which personal feelings are felt but with certain verbs it seems incorrect when I check myself. For example, should I say "Busco Pedro" or "Busc...

1 reply - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - January 13, 2014

solo vs sólo

"No se puede aprender un lenguaje por solo libros" was the given answer. If the sense is "solamente", isn't it "sólo"?

1 reply - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - December 9, 2013

Reflexive Verbs

I'm a little confused. My understanding of when to use the reflexive verb is like when a person is doing something to themselves, as in - "Me despierto." Why then is the reflexive verb used in a sentence like - "I brush the little girl's hair." = "M...

3 replies - Last post by diranu - December 9, 2013

The use of tu

What is the difference between Como estas? and Como estas tu?

11 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - December 7, 2013

valle or balle?

I continually here spanish speakers on certain audios on the internet saying what sounds like "valle" or "balle" ( phonetic = valley) when they are in agreement during a conversation. I cannot find the meaning in any dictionary. Maybe it is my hearing....

2 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - December 7, 2013


Ok. Everyone is posting on Facebook their messages Then putting "se siente Feliz" or "se siente sola" ?? I don't understand? If they see referring to oneself shouldn't it be "me siento Feliz" or "me siento sola"???

6 replies - Last post by victoria-rocket-spanish-tutor - November 27, 2013

accent marks

How can you type Spanish accent marks, like the upside down " ?" or the wavy line over the "n"? Thank you.

4 replies - Last post by victoria-rocket-spanish-tutor - November 27, 2013

The future tense

I have asked twice before about the presentation of the future tense in Lesson 13.1 The Wedding. I think it is presented incorrrectly, in terms of the ending for the first person singular, but I haven't heard back from anybody to confirm or dispute this ...

1 reply - Last post by victoria-rocket-spanish-tutor - November 27, 2013

espero terminar & no vamos a terminar - Why is "a" there

In Lesson 2.5 there are two examples of forming questions with 2 verbs. Espero terminar pronto & no vamos a terminar pronto. In the second sentence why is there an "a" after vamos, where there isn't one after espero in the first sentence. Is this s...

3 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - October 31, 2013

How do we know when to use "mi" with accent and "mi" without accent?

I am a little bit confused when it comes to the accents, when should I use the "mi" with accent and when I should keep it normal. Thank you

3 replies - Last post by jieyu - October 19, 2013

Getting Back Up to Speed After a Break

Hello Everyone, I started learning Spanish around 6 months ago, but I had to take a 3+ month break in the middle due to real life time constraints (law school finals, bar exam prep, post-bar vacation, etc). Anyway, I am back and ready to dive back into ...

4 replies - Last post by Patrice-B - September 4, 2013


Hola amigos I have a question related to several sentences that I came across recently in a Spanish lesson on the subject of wild animals. Here are a few examples. No hemos alimentado a los cocodrilos hoy. No hemos visto a los elefantes esta tarde. Los...

4 replies - Last post by oscar-lake - August 25, 2013


Hola amigos Can anyone tell me if the following three sentences employ a valid Spanish construction. He estado leyendo muchos libros interesantes. Mi hermano ha estado comprando demasiada ropa. Hemos estado buscando nuestro diccionario. I have not been...

1 reply - Last post by oscar-lake - August 21, 2013

Verbs - infinitives

In the lesson I am working on the phrase " Me puso triste" is used. I have not come across "puso " before and would like a way of finding out what is the infinitive and how it is conjugated in both the present and past tense. Is there somewhere on this ...

4 replies - Last post by jchamb - July 27, 2013

hacer compras and ir de compras?

What's the difference between hacer compras and ir de compras?

3 replies - Last post by Natalia-T - July 17, 2013

vienes vs. viene when using the 'you' conjugation?

I never know when to use the 'es' or the 'e' conjugation when addressing someone in the 'you' form. For example, vienes aqui or viene aqui. Both mean come here. Muchas gracias.

4 replies - Last post by De-Oppresso-Liber - July 12, 2013


Tengo una pregunta. Por favor Ayúdame :) Cual Es significa "me siento estupenda" y " se siento estupenda"? Por que mi amigo en Facebook escribió"se siento solo?" En vez de "me siento solo?"

15 replies - Last post by Patrice-B - July 9, 2013

Learning ENGLISH Online

Some of my Spanish-speaking penpals want to know of sites to learn English. A friend in Argentina sent me this link. It looks pretty good for teaching English to Spanish speakers. Here is the link: __

7 replies - Last post by Robert-C7 - July 3, 2013

¿Cómo estás tú? vs. ¿Cómo estás?

What's the difference between using "¿Cómo estás tú?" and "¿Cómo estás?"

3 replies - Last post by jchamb - June 25, 2013


a NEW t-shirt: una camiseta NUEVA the FIRST lesson: la PRIMERA leccion When does the modifier go before the noun?

2 replies - Last post by Patrice-B - June 25, 2013

is there a correct way to spell spanish?

Is there a trick to spelling Spanish?

1 reply - Last post by jchamb - June 20, 2013

soy vs estoy

What determines the use of soy instead of estoy?

4 replies - Last post by jchamb - June 14, 2013

Verbarator rocket Spanish

I'm having difficulty with proper sentence structure as it relates to verbs. Do you recommend any kind of additional help from Rocket? Do you recommend a separate service like the Verbarator? I love the process of Rocket Spanish and the steps to followi...

6 replies - Last post by sharon--2 - June 2, 2013

Need Some Learning Advice

Hello all, I have not been very active the last 1 month or so due to my last set of law school finals. In addition, I won't have much time for learning Spanish for the next two months as I will be spending most of my time preparing for the bar examinati...

1 reply - Last post by jchamb - May 25, 2013

Direct object pronouns

Hi all, Have a question in relation to lesson 4.4 and would be most grateful for some help. In this lesson, the following sentence is used: "Nos especializamos en la carne de res." I don't understand why "Nos" is necessary? The sentence is "We special...

3 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - May 24, 2013

11.2 Pensé tener

Pensé tener buena suerte,pero no Why the infinitive of tener? Shouldn't it be the conditional form ?

3 replies - Last post by jchamb - May 22, 2013

Need help with simple & Continuous Future,Past Continuous

Hola! Can someone pl help me with the Simple & Continuous Future,Past Continuous. I would like to understand the usage of these tenses along with the Singular & Plural Subjects. Ex- I will do You will do He/She will on... :)

3 replies - Last post by sharon--2 - May 10, 2013

can you give me few examples of superlative whilst talking about holidays

can you give me few examples of superlative whilst talking about holidays, pls

2 replies - Last post by Patrice-B - May 9, 2013

Por vs. Para. How can I tell when to use them?

I often get confused between "por" and "para." How do I know which to use? How can I tell? Can anyone explain this to me and give examples? They both mean "for," correct? ¡Necesito ayuda! Gracias.

1 reply - Last post by jchamb - May 1, 2013

When to use a

I do not understand the rules for using the "a" In lesson 2>2 (Weekend plans) They use the following . Voy manana No voy en bus Then they use voy a nadir voy a la playa Why isn't the "a" used after the Ir verb in the frist first two sentences.

1 reply - Last post by jchamb - May 1, 2013

spanish verb list

where can I find a list of verb tenses on Rocket Spanish? Thanks,

1 reply - Last post by jchamb - May 1, 2013


This is starting to look hopeless. Started the preterit lesson but when I go to my dictionary I see that between indicative, subjunctive, imperative, perfect, and perfect subjunctive (and I don't really know what any of these mean) there are well over 100...

17 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - May 1, 2013

"Son estas" [lesson 3.4]

Hi all, One thing I can't get my head round in lesson 3.4 - the phrase "Son estas" in the sentence ¿Son estas maletas suyas?. When "Es" is used (i.e. formal You are, he is, she is), I always take it to also mean "It is" (i.e. Es muy largo in one of the ...

5 replies - Last post by jchamb - April 25, 2013

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