By taking the time to understand how the Spanish language works, you'll be able to speak Spanish naturally, and read and write in Spanish. We know this can be one of the more challenging parts of your course, and we’re here to help! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!
what is the difference between "sacar" and "tomar" and when would I use one over the other? or are they interchangeable?
7 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - September 2, 2014
Si no hubiese llegado Cristóbal Colón...
If Cristóbal Colón hadn't arrived, Latin history would be very different. Si no hubiese llegado Cristóbal Colón, la historia latina sería muy diferente. Wouldn't the following be better? If Cristóbal Colón hadn't arrived, Latin history would have been ve...
4 replies - Last post by Ava Dawn - September 1, 2014
Thirty, for which there's going to be a huge celebration. Treinta, por lo que debería ser una celebración grande. I got the treinta and una celebracion grande. Can someone comment on the por (for) lo que deberia ser?. I know that lots of times the word...
2 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - September 1, 2014
Hola amigos, I've been meaning to post this. When the time is announced on the radio station I listen to, they say son las dos "con" veinte minutos or just son las dos con veinte rather than son las dos y veinte etc. Been wondering if this is just "radio...
3 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - August 27, 2014
"Y también soñé que si he de triunfar..."
This is a line from the Hercules song "Una vez soné" (Ricky Martin) which I just finished listening to. I was wondering the difference between the following: - he de triunfar - he triunfado Is the former more used in a literary context?
2 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - August 27, 2014
"Y también soñé que si he de triunfar..."
This is a line from the Hercules song "Una vez soné" (Ricky Martin) which I just finished listening to. I was wondering the difference between the following: - he de triunfar - he triunfado Is the former more used in a literary context?
0 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - August 26, 2014
How to express I might or I would
Please take a look at this phrase Si, yo fuera millionario,compraría una isla. Does this translate as 1. If I were a millionaire *I would buy* an island or 2. If I were a millionaire *I might buy* an island. If it translates as 1 then wh...
19 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - August 25, 2014
A que no siempre estaba todo desordenado? Isn't your place always a mess? No matter how many times I look at this phrase, I just can't seem to get my head around it. I think it's the "A que" at the beginning...
1 reply - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - August 22, 2014
Festejamos desde las 9 de la noche hasta las 2 de la mañana. How do you conjugate "to party"? Is this preterite or past imperfect? Thanks,,,,Aurora
1 reply - Last post by Steven-W15 - August 21, 2014
Gerunds and the progressive tenses
Hola amigos, The thread titled " the imperfect tense" was essentially about the progressive tense and I thought I would post this link I found. Dan raised the question about the gerund not seeming to be used with the preterite and I couldn't recall it b...
5 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - August 18, 2014
Do you want to open an account with us? I thought the translation should be ¿Quieres abrir una cuenta con nosotros? instead it says ¿Desea abrir una cuenta con nosotros?.
2 replies - Last post by Ava Dawn - August 17, 2014
Here is a question I've had for quite some time. Is there a difference between the two phrases below? Can they be used interchangeably? - "Yo hablaba con alguien." - "Yo estaba hablando con alguien."
12 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - August 17, 2014
In lesson 10.1, why is it "Pense que hablabas todo el tiempo solo POR escuchar el sonido de tu voz." - but " se utiliza el imperfecto PARA hablar de edad." ? Can both words be used interchangeably & grammatically correctly? Or must you use POR with ...
6 replies - Last post by Dan-H24 - August 16, 2014
Como usted está con nosotros más de dos años. Because you have been with us for more than 2 years,
1 reply - Last post by Steven-W15 - August 16, 2014
"I would" en espanol
How do you begin a phrase with "I would" when referring to what you would do in a certain case? Anyone? Gracias, Memo
1 reply - Last post by Robert-C7 - August 14, 2014
Eres bueno para las computadoras. You are good with computers. T thought "with" is translated as "con". I already have problems with por and para. Now this.
6 replies - Last post by Ava Dawn - August 13, 2014
La delegación palestina llegó a El Cairo
Interesting. I saw this on the news yesterday. I would have expected "al Cairo".
6 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - August 11, 2014
when we can write" tú" and "vosotros" this two world have same meaning
3 replies - Last post by the-hefay - August 10, 2014
¡Está prohibido ser aburrido!
I've noted several times in this particular lesson the "estar - ser" combination in the same phrase. Normally I would think of "estar aburrido" - not "ser aburrido". Is there a rule in Spanish where the combination "estar - estar" in the same phrase is no...
8 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - August 10, 2014
Here's my favorite phrase for the day. Para evitar los tacos, debo aprender a volar. My question is -how do you conjugate the word "debo". I am hoping that other Rocket Spanish students will get involve in the forum especially the ones with high scores....
7 replies - Last post by Ava Dawn - August 7, 2014
A que no siempre estaba todo desordenado? Isn't your place always a mess? No matter how many times I look at this phrase, I just can't seem to get my head around it. I think it's the "A que" at the beginning...
5 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - August 4, 2014
Hola a todos, Here is a link to the Table of Contents, so to speak, of Professor Jason videos. Until recently I have been searching them out on You Tube in a random way. Others may have already found this but if not, it makes things easier. http://shel...
3 replies - Last post by Ava Dawn - August 1, 2014
One of the flash cards indicated that " No tengo nada" means - "I have nothing". Why isn't it just "Tengo nada" ? No tengo nada would seem to translate as I don't have nothing in English.
8 replies - Last post by Rob-B23 - July 28, 2014
One of my challenges as a native English speaker is to remember to use the personal a before a direct object that refers to a person. So, while I am working my way through lesson 11.1 I encounter the following sentence: Traté a citar Pablo Neruda. It se...
13 replies - Last post by Patrice-B - July 26, 2014
Por qué "porqué"?
"No veo porqué mi amiga tiene que ser bonita." I can't seem to get these "porqué", "por qué", "porque" straight ("por que" I think I've got). I came across an explication below for "porqué" but I don't see how it fits the above sentence: Porqué. Es un s...
14 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - July 23, 2014
A question of which "was"
Hola a Cristian y todos ! Suppose we had the following sentence ... Our flight to Madrid (it) was comfortable "Nuestro vuelo a Madrid (fue or estuvo) comodo" right???? It is easy to determine the we need the preterit -the plane landed and thats ...
11 replies - Last post by Will--13 - July 21, 2014
I have been trying to use what I have learned or have at least read about. Which of the following is incorrect? 1>bailo I dance (long term event) 2>Estoy bailando I am dancing (a right now event) 3>Tengo que bailar...
1 reply - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - July 17, 2014
I saw an online translator that indicated: Voy a ..... means - " I go to ....." whereas Me voy means - "I'm going to ...." Is there really a difference?
7 replies - Last post by Rob-B23 - July 17, 2014
"Os ruego que me perdonéis, lord Eddard. No habéis venido a escuchar recuerdos siniles de un verano olvidado antes de que naciera vuestro padre." - Juego de Tronos, p. 246 My understanding was that the "vosotros" form was used to address more than one pe...
10 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - July 14, 2014
hi david byrne here my question is why do you use que after nearly every verb in the start of a sentence like necesito que quiero que tengo que etc also do you only use me te se nos ets with irreglar verbs only thanks sorry about my typing
7 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - July 14, 2014
in lesson 6.7 it states that using "hacer" w3ith "falta" gives emphasis to the need or lack. e.g. "Me hace falta estar con mi familia" and "Me hace falta un auto". Does this mean that "Me falta un auto." would also be correct, just not emphasising the wa...
1 reply - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - July 10, 2014
When is "a" needed before an infinitive?
I have had a frustratingly bothersome question for many months that I have not been able to find an answer to, nor has it been explained in the lessons, so I will ask here and hope that one of our resident experts can enlighten me. I have noticed many se...
4 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - July 9, 2014
In lesson 6.7 the following sentences are made: Nos falta un escritorio para la oficina. Nos falton dos jugadores en el equipo de futbol. Nos gusta estudiar la gegrafia. Why isn't it "Nosotros"? If you used nosotros would that be incorrect, or can one us...
2 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - July 3, 2014
In lesson 6.4 It states: "Nos reunimos el primer vierne en marzo." ie "We meet on the first Friday in March." It also has: "Nosotros se los damos." ie "We give them to you." They are both using "We" as the subject of the sentence. Should it be "Nosotros ...
1 reply - Last post by Dan-H24 - July 3, 2014
"Lo que es triste es que la pobre novia, esperando toda su vida el día de su matrimonio, se pone linda para las fotos, y ¿qué pasa? Su novio aparece con un yeso gigante en la muñeca. Todas las fotos, estropeadas!" Interesting. " triste... que..." wi...
3 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - June 25, 2014
I was writing a short essay about my past using past tenses for a class. I wanted to say that " I wasn't sure what I wanted to do" Thinking that "no estaba seguro" is one of the triggers for the subjunctive I wrote " No estaba seguro de lo que quisier...
7 replies - Last post by oscar-lake - June 22, 2014
My understanding is that you use "sólo" when it can be replaced by "solamente". That said, I am coming across examples which don't seem to respect this rule. For example, in the book I'm reading (Juego de Tronos): "Solo sé lo que vi cuando llegué aquel dí...
3 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - June 22, 2014
Hola a todos, The noun "orden" is interesting regarding gender. Todo está en orden. Everything is in order. Note the "todo", in this usage, "orden" is masculine. Una orden de tacos. An order of tacos. Note the "una", in this case it's feminine. Some oth...
2 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - June 18, 2014
I know some these websites what been listed before, but I just found two more. I am enjoying using them for help with my Spanish. I just finished lesson 3.4 and I want to break out of beginner Spanish. http:...
4 replies - Last post by Dan-H24 - June 12, 2014
how often should i go on rocket language? everyday or twice a week
3 replies - Last post by Robert-C7 - June 7, 2014
Anoche leí sobre "The Scriptorium Technique" en Rocket Spanish Advanced Learning Techniques. ¿Cuál gente aqui tienen intenté esta técnica y qué son tus opiniones?
1 reply - Last post by Dan-H24 - May 30, 2014
1.4 “You’re very Kind” Is translated “Es muy amable” Why is it not: “Eres muy amable”
1 reply - Last post by ricardo-rich - May 24, 2014
Subject pronouns in the imperfect tense
I just started working on the lessons in the imperfect tense. I am noticing that yo and other subject pronouns are being used a lot, as in "Yo tenía pelo rubio," or "Yo era profesora." Am I correct in assuming that subject pronouns would be more often ne...
4 replies - Last post by Dan-H24 - May 18, 2014
Two verbs with the same subject
I think I have food poisoning… Creo que tengo una intoxicación alimentaria … I understand this is correct, but is the following considered a bit better: "Creo tener una intoxicación alimentaria …"?
8 replies - Last post by Ava Dawn - May 16, 2014
Necesito Ayuda o Necesito Ayudar?
Hi, I'm not sure if this question belongs here or in the feedback forum, but I was going back and reviewing the earlier lessons and in lesson 1.3 the phrase "I need help" is being shown as "necesito ayuda" but I thought it was "necesito ayudar", since I ...
7 replies - Last post by Dan-H24 - May 11, 2014
Correlating masculine and feminine
Tú hablaste en voz muy alta, lo cual despertó al bebe. shouldn't this be: Tú hablaste en voz muy alta, la cual despertó al bebe.
5 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - April 30, 2014
i am a freshman in high school and my class is now going over stem changing verbs and i am just having a really hard time understanding and remembering what goes with what and what goes where. my teacher tries her best but i still just don't understand!
4 replies - Last post by phil-glos-uk - April 18, 2014
Bueno, necesitamos traer unos impermeables y un paraguas. Should this be una or unas paraguas? Or is paraguas masculine?
4 replies - Last post by Cristian-Montes-de-Oca - April 14, 2014
When the subject in the sentence is the same...
"...a obligarlo a que pidiera dinero a extraños." I always appreciate the opportunity to practice the subjunctive. But wouldn't this phrase be better said as follows: "...a obligarlo a pider dinero a extraños."
22 replies - Last post by Dan-H24 - April 11, 2014