Spanish - Grammar

By taking the time to understand how the Spanish language works, you'll be able to speak Spanish naturally, and read and write in Spanish. We know this can be one of the more challenging parts of your course, and we’re here to help! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!

Abandoned Forum

I have noticed that the newsletters have stopped coming, that none of the moderators post anymore, and that Mauricio and Amy seems to have disappeared. I had expected more from this company. Is the product support function dead? What is going on?

10 replies - Last post by Antonio - June 26, 2009

¿Estoy en el camino, o Estoy de camino?

After finishing lesson 5.5, I tried impressing my Puerto Rican girlfriend by saying "I'm on my way" in Spanish. I said: "Estoy en el camino," patterning it after the lesson's question: ¿Estás en el camino? She said it should be: "...

5 replies - Last post by Mauricio - June 25, 2009

Beyond Advanced Spanish?

How can I obtain this book, referenced at the end of the Advanced course for Rocket Spanish? I do not see it in the download area. Thank you, Greg

0 replies - Last post by Gregorio - April 6, 2009

estabamos vs. fuimos

When would it be proper to use estabamos in place of fuimos i.e. Nosotros estabamos a la playa or Nosotros fuimos a la playa, which is correct? Thanks

2 replies - Last post by lukafer2 - April 2, 2009

El agua está contaminada?

At approximately 24:30 in lesson audio 4.4 of advanced, Carmen says: "El agua está contaminada." This is yet another confounding use of combining the definite masculine article with a feminine adjective. In another thread I pointed out another...

2 replies - Last post by Gregorio - April 1, 2009

Lesson 3.3 Advanced Question

Hola, I ran this one by my Spanish-speaking girlfriend (Puerto Rican), and she didn't understand it. In the dialogue: Como usted está con nosotros más de dos años... Is translated as: Because you have been with us for more than 2 years... Is this ju...

4 replies - Last post by Gregorio - March 30, 2009

Cómo vs Qué

In the lessons (2.3 I think), it is stated to use cómo to say "what?" rather than "qué." In TV shows, etc. I always hear "qué" used. Can someone clarify.

4 replies - Last post by rodneyp - March 26, 2009

Would either sentence be correct?

Hola. Wondering if I might be able to make it easier on my English brain. The explanation in RS, p. 104, writes the question as: A quien le servimos la comida? Could I also say correctly "A quien servimos la comida?" (That way, I could f...

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - March 16, 2009

una pregunta - 1.5 conversation

Hola, As I was going through lesson 1.5, I notices something. The conversation has these lines" Carmona: ¿Estás de vacaciones? Mujer: No. Estoy aquí por negocios. They translate to: Carmona: Are you on vacation? Woman: No. I’m here on business. ...

4 replies - Last post by rkotenko - March 12, 2009

Knowing when to Use Preterite or Imperfect?

Hola! For the most part I understand when to use the imperfect (an action repeated often in the past), and when to use the preterite (a quick one time kind of thing). I would like to understand why the RS flashcard sentence "La fiesta *estuvo* ...

1 reply - Last post by dthf90210 - February 23, 2009

Grammer....need help with abc's

Hello, I am having a problem with learning how to pronounce the letters of the alphabet in spanish. I cannot find it in audio format. I feel that is the only way for me to begin to learn. Can anyone help me? Joanne

7 replies - Last post by dthf90210 - February 15, 2009

Questions - Platiquemos and FSI Programmatic

Hi. I was wondering if anyone knows if FSI Programmatic Spanish Lesson 25 is supposed to have audio with it. Mine is missing. Also, can anyone help me obtain the extras that come with Platiquemos? I am referreing to Cantemos (the songs with translatio...

2 replies - Last post by dthf90210 - February 14, 2009

Advanced Grammar, Chapter 1, Exercise 3, Question 9

The answer key says "fue" is the correct answer. I think it should be fueron. 9. Cuando yo tenía diez años, mi familia *fueron* a Disneyland. ¿Qué dices? Gracias, Greg

2 replies - Last post by Gregorio - February 6, 2009

Question on the Use of Cual pgs 102-103 Advanced Spanish

Greetings, My second questions deals with the second reason for using cual, when the person or thing to which the relative pronoun refers is unclear. "The employee of the Vereda company, who was in the news, is going to give a press conference.&quo...

2 replies - Last post by haroelant - January 30, 2009

Question use of Cual as per pgs. 102-103 in Advanced Book

Hello, I have 2 questions that deal with the use of Cual and its definite article. It is stated on page 102, that "El cual and its forms (la cual, los cuales, las cuales) are used in very specific circumstances: -After prepositions of more than one...

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - January 29, 2009

Teaching children Spanish

I am learning Spanish and I am at the beginner/intermediate level. My wife is a little behind me on her Spanish level right now. We would like to teach our children Spanish, because it is much easier to learn as a child than as an adult. Does anybody have...

4 replies - Last post by Hal1 - January 28, 2009


OK, What is the difference bewteen Usted es and ustedes son???? they are both "You Are"

3 replies - Last post by nohablo - January 24, 2009

OK, another question

I know you guy's are getting tired of my stupid questions :) In lesson 1.5 it talk's about the verb SER --- Son (You, them, they) and las is plural feminine "the" So in lesson 1.7 telling time, why is the answer to what time is it Son las nuev...

5 replies - Last post by DaveG - January 20, 2009

Pronunciation Help

OK, I am the kind of person that when I study something new I have to understand completely section, by section before moving to the next one. I think that might not work here in Spanish. On section 1.1 I am having an issue with the pronunciation of the ...

3 replies - Last post by Loriann - January 13, 2009

Question on Advanced Spanish, Section 4.1 Example 2, pg.90

I want to know why in this sentence, " Me preguntaron si te conoc[i]a, pero les dije que no." Why does one have to have the "que" in front of the no? It seems to extra verbage. Also, how do I turn on the Spanish assists to the word...

3 replies - Last post by haroelant - January 13, 2009

ir vs vaya

How do I know when to use ir or vaya?

2 replies - Last post by dthf90210 - January 11, 2009

Comics en español...

Hola todo el mundo! I've been looking around the internet for websites that sell comic books in español. Amazon does sell some graphic novels in español. But most places I run into are located in España. For example, I just made a recent order from Valq...

1 reply - Last post by theYiffer - January 9, 2009

Lesson 1.5 ¿Estás de vacaciones?

The question is asked "¿Estás de vacaciones? " and answered with " No. Estoy aquí por negocios." Why is "de" used in the first sentence? I understood "de" to mean "from or of".

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - January 8, 2009

vuelo vs. vuela

Lesson 1.7 begins with the sentence, ¿A qué hora es vuelo?. Why would it not be vuela? I asked a spanish speaker that I work with, but he could not explain why, except that it did not sound correct with vuela. I'm confused.

3 replies - Last post by Loriann - January 6, 2009

V & B

Hi, although I keep reading that v and b are supposed to sound exactly the same I did not experience that in Peru. I just came back from a 2 week trip and there was a definite difference in the sound of these 2 letters. Is this common in other countries a...

11 replies - Last post by chunkitchris - December 30, 2008

Questions on Advanced Spanish Course, Section 3, Exercise 2

I have a few questions on Section 3, Exercise 2: Exercise 2, # 4 has "Mercedes busca un par de zapatos especial "para" su esposo, quien trabaja "para" una compan(forgot where the n^~ is located)ia de costruccion"---I had put...

3 replies - Last post by haroelant - December 2, 2008


Are the Spanish and English transcripts available anywhere, for purchase or free?

2 replies - Last post by Antonio - November 28, 2008

Major breakthrough...

...well at least for me. Once again I'd like to recommend to everyone around here. It's a great addition to the RS courses. There are no native speakers or co-learners available to me and that's where is kicking in. On tha...

0 replies - Last post by Chris1965 - November 20, 2008

Immersion tools

Hello, im new here and new to learning spanish. My question is, are there internet radio channels, video or audio podcasts, or anything that would be good to help with the immersion part of my learning? maybe online news stations or tv shows? i would li...

3 replies - Last post by nohablo - November 19, 2008

Differences in Latin American Spanish?

I am headed to Peru and am trying to learn a bit of castellano/espanol before I go... besides working on this course, I also picked up a 'Lonely Planet' phrase book to take with me. But I'm getting confused because many of the words are different. (For ex...

2 replies - Last post by patrickhernandez - November 19, 2008

Spanish TV for learners

Hi there. I just found another, in my opinion helpful language resource on the internet. Go to and search for is obviously a pay site but these folks have uploaded some freebies on youtube. As I understand it'...

0 replies - Last post by Chris1965 - November 9, 2008

Free digital books

Hi. You can get access to plenty of free digital books at . Their library covers different genres from child books to more demanding literature. In order to read the books you have to download Adobe Digital Editions. It works for W...

0 replies - Last post by Chris1965 - October 26, 2008

Transcripts for Interactive Audio Course?

Am I just missing it, or are there downloadable transcripts for the Level I Interactive Audio Course somewhere? I know about *ConversationCourse.pdf* and *RocketVocabSupp.pdf*, and that some of the words/phrases from the Interactive Audio Course appear t...

8 replies - Last post by Antonio - October 23, 2008

Indirect and direct object, still confusing or not?

Hi. After having worked through the first 5 chapters of RS Beginner's grammar 3.0 I got a bit puzzled when reading the examples on the top of page 127, more specific example 2 and 5. 2. Ellos se los dicen. - They tell it to them. 5. Nosotros se los damo...

4 replies - Last post by Chris1965 - October 22, 2008

Double it Up!

Wow... just had a flashbulb moment... Among the resources I use for learning Spanish is my daily "Word of the Day" in Spanish from Transparent Language . Then I thought about it... they also have a "Word of the ...

5 replies - Last post by Antonio - October 22, 2008

Reflexive Verbs and Parts of the Body

In Chapter 6.3 (Rocket Spanish, Beginners Grammar) on Reflexive Verbs, page 148 is the following statement. "In Spanish, parts of the body ARE NEVER preceded by personal pronouns." Is the above statement true ONLY when a part of the body is us...

4 replies - Last post by Chris1965 - October 18, 2008

Game for conjugated Verb forms

Hola, I am currently refining my spanish with the help of your course..I wanted to ask though if you had a game that teaches how to use the Conjugated verb forms for Present, Past and Future..I see the test Quiz's but can't find where you practice these.....

0 replies - Last post by bill881 - October 13, 2008

how do i say this in Spanish?

I have great difficulty with the word order in Spanish using personal pronouns. For example, how would I say: I gave him the book He gave me the tickets I gave them my telephone number She gave her the money Please help! This drives me nuts! :x

12 replies - Last post by kimisue - September 28, 2008

Sacar and Tomar

Hi I was practicing my spanish with my partner and when I asked "Puedo sacar su foto?" I was told that it is better to use "Puedo tomarle una foto?". Could you help me to understand the difference since Tomar and Sacar both means &qu...

2 replies - Last post by Lucent - September 27, 2008

A question about where to put personal pronouns

Hola todos, Is there any grammatical difference between the sentances: "Usted tiene un carro" or "Tiene usted un carro" Or any other sentances that switch around the verb and personal pronoun, like: "Ustedes pueden cocinar" o...

2 replies - Last post by Mauricio - September 18, 2008

Object Pronouns and why I hate them

I don't know why I'm having such trouble in this area, but it seems never-ending. Why does one use the DO pronoun in a sentence like "A Maria la ayuda Carlos" but the IO pronoun in ¿Ud. le va a ayudar a trabajar? (my translations: Carlos help...

4 replies - Last post by annemarieko - September 12, 2008

Pregunta (Capitulo Dos, RS Dos)

Tengo una pregunta sobre capitulo dos en Rocket Spanish dos. In the chapter review, exercise 5, number 8... Yo _____ donde ir, mientras ella _____ las direcciones porque le pregunto a un senor en la calle. The answer key has sabia, supieron. Why s...

0 replies - Last post by Spanish-Landy - September 11, 2008

gustar,querer, poder, politness

Hola amigos. Tengo una pregunta sobre los verbos "gustar"," querer" y "poder". As I understand : Me gustaria un cafe, I would like a coffee, pero, queiro un cafe es ,I want a coffee o puedo un cafe? Can I have a coffee? Co...

5 replies - Last post by nohablo - September 9, 2008


Question : Que haces? " what do you do?" En que trabajas? "in what do you work? could you also say? En que haces trabajas? Also where can I go to put the right punctuation on the Spanish words? Gacias Jim

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - August 27, 2008

Vas..vs... Van

Why not use Van a dar for "there going to give " instead of Vas a dar

2 replies - Last post by jrsundy - August 21, 2008

Spanish Verb Conjugation Trainer

With the [url=]Conjugation Trainer[/url:39unsxtb] you can improve your knowledge of the most frequent forms of the most important Spanish verbs. There are three steps: [list:39unsxtb][*:39unsxtb]Select verb ...

2 replies - Last post by LauraMollicchi - August 20, 2008

conversation course

What is the difference between irme vs. ir. "Tengo que irme" is translated as "I have to go". I am confused as to why it would not be "Tengo que ir".

1 reply - Last post by nohablo - August 13, 2008

only audio

hola, when I dowenload a file from the grammer book I can only hear the audio, there is nothing written, how do I correct that? thank you!

3 replies - Last post by Antonio - August 13, 2008

fue, y fui

ayudame por favor, I am having a little trouble with some of the grammar. The problem is with the words "fui" and "fue." What do these words mean??? And how would you use them in sentences? Gracias por todos Anthony

1 reply - Last post by Mauricio - August 6, 2008

Indirect Objects

I wanted to see if the following sentence, "Usted le dio la manzana a la chica"---You gave the apple to the girl, could be said as follows, " Usted dio la manzana a la chica." If I understand it correctly, when one puts in the indirect object "le" and th...

6 replies - Last post by Arnette - August 5, 2008

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