Spanish - Grammar

By taking the time to understand how the Spanish language works, you'll be able to speak Spanish naturally, and read and write in Spanish. We know this can be one of the more challenging parts of your course, and we’re here to help! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!

Yo soy su amigo --> I am her friend?

In lesson 1.11, without more context, I'm not seeing how to know “Yo soy su amigo” translates to “I am her friend.” Did I miss something?

2 replies - Last post by NicholasR31 - April 29, 2022

certifiquemos o certificáramos ?

In Travelogue 2.3:- “…sería una buena idea que ambos nos certifiquemos como buceadores antes de ir.”- “(it) would be a good idea that we both get certified as divers before (we) go.” I just checked and I did ask about this 4 years ago! (Just us hacks were...

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - April 26, 2022

Que with accent and que without

Why in the phrase Que tengas un buen fin de semana does the e in que not have an accent mark and why in the phrase que bueno does the e in que have an accent mark? Thanks,Donnie

2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - April 19, 2022

Tener Ganas de

In lesson 6.4, the phrase "tener ganas de" is translated as both “I feel like” and “I have desires of." I feel like these can be different things in English.  The example of “I feel like going out” is simple enough, shows a feeling of desire. But, I used ...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - April 4, 2022

When to use hacer, estar, hay in relation to weather

I was doing level 1, 3.3 and the subject is the weather.  How does one know when to use hacer in relation to the weather.  here are a number of examples in the lesson: va a llover, va a hacer sol, puede hacer calor/frio, puede llover/nevar.  I don't under...

1 reply - Last post by ricardo-rich - March 25, 2022

Learning Verb Forms

Hello Liss,I am very new to Rocket Spanish and relatively new to learning Spanish. I am enjoying the process so far but I am super confused about the various ways to say “I + am/will/was/can/have” etc. Yo, Soy, Estoy, Puedo, voy, habria :) And I understan...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 7, 2022


Gabriela quiere dárselo a María.Gabriela wants to give it to Maria.My Question is why do we need the selo after dar… Why no just darlo?

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - February 28, 2022

Use of LE after "a quien"

Why is there a “LE” in the sentence:A quién le quiere dar Gabriela un regalo?Why could you not say the same without the "LE"?

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - February 28, 2022

Lesson 9.2, correct pronoun

In lesson 9.2 there is the following sentence:“No le vi a mi mamá.”Why is it not “No la vi a mi mama”?Ver comes with a direct object, and mama is fem.

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - February 21, 2022

fui v. era

Can anyone help me understand the difference between the past tenses of ser, por ejemplo, ¿Cuál es la differéncia entre yo fui y yo era ?

2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - January 10, 2022

"Saber qué" vs. "Saber lo que"

Hi 14.2 33.58no sabemos que haremos  could i have used lo que .  if not , why Thanks.

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - December 21, 2021

Para & para que

Hi Liss,Can you helpTe daré tiempo para que lo piensesBecause there are two subjects i and you  i used para que And then it goes subjunctive  think about itbut when i writete daré dos horas ,,, it goes ,,, para pensarlo. why ..should it not be para que lo...

2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - December 6, 2021

Para mí vs. Me

Sorry ,another one si pudieras echarías al correo estas cartas para mi si pudieras me harías un favorThis last sentence was would you do a favour for me if its — for me --why not para mi last first seems more like would you do me a favour is there ...

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 26, 2021


Sorry liss,silly question for you but it confuses me why llamarle & llamarlo for call him like , i am going to call him , is there a trick here or can you use either .thanks again ,

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 26, 2021

Sometimes Putting the Verb Before the Subject

Thank You Liss,for the above , still find it confusing but I'm working on it  but my next question is. Estuve muy triste cuando murió mi perro.  (Mi perro murió )  Why does murió go before my dog and on some other books i have read murió goes after my dog...

4 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 18, 2021

Adjective Word Order

Hi also cuando mi perro murió, cuando murió mi perroyou advise both are ok but some like the verb next to the adverb what about this…debemos mantener nuestros escritorios ordenados , i wrote thisbut ordenados nuestros escritorios  keeps coming up, ordenad...

5 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 8, 2021

Question on ALGUNO vs. ALGO DE and NINGUNO

Hello again,i am learning about algunoi think as an adjective use algún with nounsalgún día Why cant you say  algún dinero , some moneyits keeps throwing up algo de dinero also ninguna otra razón,  i have ningún and ninguna as not any , not a single one ,...

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 27, 2021

7.4 the 'the' in the examples

In 7.4 level 1, the following examples are given.¿Te gustan los perros?Do you like dogs? Nos gustan las pinturas.We like the paintings. for the dogs it is translated as ‘dogs’ not ‘the dogs’ which has a slightly different meaning. But for paintings the ‘t...

4 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 21, 2021

Subject in Gustar sentence

In 7.4 the subject of the sentence is always placed at the endme gusta el gato. el gato is at the end. This is true of every sentence in the  lesson except when then make a person the subjectMiguel me gusta.Then the subject (miguel) is placed at the front...

2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 21, 2021

implied 'enough'?

Hi in 7.4 we are given the following translationMe falta dinero para comprar la leche.I don't have enough money to buy the milk.Wouldnt that just translate to “I dont have money to buy the milk”? Is the ‘enough’ implied in the phrasing or should we be say...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 18, 2021

Singular of vacation

in 6.3 the conversation includesEstas son las mejores vacaciones de mi vida.This is the best vacation of my life.It mentions that vacaciones is treated as plural, which explains the ‘estas son’. Which means the above sentence translates literally to “Thes...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 18, 2021

When to Use the Definite Article

Hi , Sorry to disturb.can you advise me please i get stuck on definite articles sometimes exampleLa oportunidad ir al caribe por una semana de sol y diversionno el or la here on sol & diversion , i think  llegamos a San Juan , el sol, el calor y la arena ...

9 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 8, 2021

Where can I find full conjugations of verbs, including usted/ustedes

The subject says it all. I really need to learn to speak to someone using “usted”, so it's pretty important to me that I practice these conversations using the “formal” as well.

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - June 1, 2021

bold font

weird question, but why the bold font? Verb EndingsSubjectEndingYo-oTú-asUsted-aÉl-aElla-aNosotros-amos

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 31, 2021

Use of acuerdo, me acuerdo, and me acuerdo de

It looks like there are examples of all three of these constructions used, seemingly interchangeably to me. Is there a rule on when to use the reflexive, and when to use the “de”, for example, when saying “I remember her” -- “Acuerdo a ella” - “Me acuerdo...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 25, 2021

suyas, tuyas nuestras, confusion

it seems to me that suyos, nuestros and the various constructs centered on these words  are beyond my comprehension. The further I go, the more confused and lost i become. there is no immediate explanation or assistance that i can comprehend. Whatever lea...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 22, 2021

seguro que vs. seguro de que

Travelogue 4.5 has several examples of this and I don't see why one is used rather than the other. Thanks. Here they are:- Estoy segura que entenderá.- Estoy segura que se reirá por ello.- Estoy segura que Rick no está esperando que tomen dos habitaciones...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 10, 2021

¿Cuál es el que los principiantes pueden escalar?

I am hearing "puedan" again (!) and it seems that it should be that although I'm less sure here. What I'm thinking is that it should be in the subjunctive as there is a doubt as to whether or not there is a volcano (that's the context - Travelogue 6.5) th...

6 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 1, 2021

ir (conjugated) + a + [infinitive] verb trabajar

Hi, i am doing the lesson on    ir (conjugated) + a + [infinitive]   and previously also noted that when you have two verbs you only conjugate the first one, and i just wondered why its Vas al trabajo los domingos  and not Vas a trabajar los domingoskind ...

3 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - February 9, 2021

Always Tengo Que?

Hello,I can easily understand why “tengo que” translates to English as “I have to” do or have something.But what about a sentence like this: “I've given all I have to give.”? Here “have to” doesn't mean “must.” Have in this instance means “I've given all ...

4 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - February 8, 2021

9.8 The Confusion Begins: Irregular Verbs in the Preterite

Yes there is a lot of confusion, but not due to the use of the irregular verb forms but because of the lack of clarification when the learner needs to respond to a "you" type statement.  Except for maybe 2 or 3 times there is no indication as to what form...

14 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - February 2, 2021

Para vs. por

I know that the English word “for” can be used in many different contexts, but I have a problem with “por” vs. “para” in the lesson about travel. “For how many days?” is translated “por cuantos dias”, while “For how many people?” is translated as “para cu...

3 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - January 28, 2021

Recording & rocket certification

Since completing level 1 6.8 unable to complete rocket certification module 6 as it a mixture of all languages. now unable to record voice after starting level 7.1problems with recording since 2021 version Appeared.i use safari , press allow recording but...

7 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - January 27, 2021

Lesson 2.1

Hello, I have a question about hacer in lesson 2.1Quiero hacer un tour con​ mi familia.I want to go on a tour with my family.Can I also say this:Quiero ir un tour con mi familia.I am confused on hacer as it can mean "to do" or “to go”. Since it can mean “...

2 replies - Last post by John8039 - January 6, 2021

Indirect Pronouns

In lesson 10-8 FlashCard #24 -Since recepcionista is an indirect object why wasn't the pronoun "le" used before "Diste..." . As an example of inconsistency you did use it correctly in #25.

3 replies - Last post by RobR27 - January 4, 2021

Jugar "al" ?

“Juego futbol” vs. “Juego al futbol” (or other sports/activities). Is there a time when either is correct or incorrect? Is it regional?I have been told that the “al” is necessary because it is describing football, in general, but it is not used here, at l...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - January 4, 2021

lesson transcripts

In this 2021 edition, I do not see the option to download the transcript. That was a great tool in the earlier edition, so where can I find it in this new edition?

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - January 4, 2021

la or le

Luego de colgarla, el cumpleañero tiene que destrozarla vendado, pegándole con un palo.  Lesson 17.2Why isn't it pegándola?

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 2, 2020

lo que

que es la regla para usar lo que. por que no solo usar que?

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 27, 2020

Para llevarlos vs. por guiarlos

This comes from the Travelogue 5.4. Interesting. Why is it para for the first and por for the second? Thank you!

5 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 13, 2020

Benchmark tests?

I'm having trouble finding the Benchmark Tests that I've heard people mention.  How do I get to them?

4 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 13, 2020

10.6 Stem Changes and Spelling Changes

10.6 Stem changes and spelling changes. Flash Card  "We read the new novel"  Leímos la nueva novela" Why is the adjective appear before the noun.  I thought in this case as in most cases the adjective comes after the noun noun: "Leímos la novela nueva".

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 8, 2020

clarification of meanin change of poder and querer in the past tense.

Ok in lessons 9.5 and 9.11 it is explained that querer changes to try/refuse in the past tense and poder changes to managed/failed in the past tense, but it is not noted that just like in English they can surely mean both depending on context? I'd like th...

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - August 10, 2020

Por vs Para 11.11 visualization

I found this helpful... I visualized each sentence happening.  The sentence/action either went to my left or to my right in my mind's eye. On the left are various businesses near where I live. On the right are other businesses. The two are separated by an...

0 replies - Last post by TravisB13 - August 2, 2020

Comos estas vs como esta tu

I purchased this course to refresh what I previously learned in high school Spanish. I thought you asked "how are you" by saying "como estas?" but lesson 1.1 is instructing me to say "como estas tu?" Doesn't that mean "how are you you?" I'm confused. Tha...

4 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - July 13, 2020

Tal vez and quizás using the subjunctive

In Travelogue 8.1 In the cloud, there are the following two phrases: - O tal vez pueda comprar una memoria USB - Or maybe (I) can buy a flash drive - ¿qué marca es su cámara? Quizás la tenemos. - what brand is your camera? Maybe we have it. I am curious...

5 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - July 7, 2020

Incorrect translation?

The flash card says "Yo soy su amigo."  The translation is "I am her friend." Shouldn't it be "Soy su amiga"?   Why is "Yo" added and why was the masculine version "amigo" used?

1 reply - Last post by ricardo-rich - July 4, 2020

Personal "a" before each direct object.

In Lesson 15.1, the following sentence appears: Solamente que extrañaba a mi familia y mis amigos. Is there a reason that a personal "a" did not also appear before "mis amigos" -- i.e., "a mi familia y a mis amigos"? Is this an exception to the rule? Or i...

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - June 23, 2020

Possessive adjectives, antes y después the noun

Estoy estudiando la lección 4.8, Possessive Pronouns, and I'm a bit flustered by when to use a short possessive adjective before the noun and when to use the long possessive adjective after the noun. ¿Por ejemplo, hay una diferencia de importancia entre ...

2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - June 23, 2020

Compartir con vs. Compartir a

In lesson 13.4, there is repeated use of "compartir" with "a", as in Compartirás nuestro bonito idioma a todo el mundo. However (apart from this lesson), I have been unable to find any examples of compartir that use "a". They all use "con". And one of my ...

2 replies - Last post by Tomás71 - June 17, 2020

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