Spanish - Grammar

By taking the time to understand how the Spanish language works, you'll be able to speak Spanish naturally, and read and write in Spanish. We know this can be one of the more challenging parts of your course, and we’re here to help! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!

¿Qué se le ofrece? Lesson 4.4 is this using the usted form?

From Level 1, Lesson 4.4¿Qué se le ofrece?from the lesson, the translation is: “What would you like?” Having jumped ahead a bit and having already been reading up on pronouns in a grammar book, I gather from the conjugation of the word ofrecer and the pro...

0 replies - Last post by Randal-dB - June 7, 2023

From lesson 2.9 Vas al trabajo los domingos

Vas al trabajo los domingos.(You) go to work on Sundays. Why not Vas a trabajar los domingos?Trabajo seems like the yo form? Also,¿Van a casa?Are you going home? Shouldn't that be “Are they going home?”, … or does it depend on the context?I guess you coul...

2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - June 5, 2023

I can't figure out module I've completed. Corella Payne

Where am i at in module completion?  When do i know when I've completed the entire course?

2 replies - Last post by Margaret-RocketLanguages - June 1, 2023

Ir vs salir for to go fishing

ten characters

1 reply - Last post by Scott_C - May 26, 2023


How do you say “Send her a text message!”

4 replies - Last post by Scott_C - May 9, 2023

Why is yo after the verb in a statement?

From lesson 8.2I have been memorizing this as every time I want to drop the yo (which I am sure is allowed but your English translation includes the you, so that is on me) or I want to put it before the verb, which is the part I don't understand. Ésa es l...

6 replies - Last post by Scott_C - May 5, 2023

Lesson 5.6 Direct Object Pronouns and the word HER

In the flashcards, you have these two cards: 1) We are going to see her = La vamos a verla.2) I am going to bring her  = La voy a traer. Both sentences use the word HER in English as a direct object:WE (subject) are going to see HER (direct object)I (subj...

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - May 5, 2023

Lesson 4.8: Why is SER used for a heavy suitcase yet ESTAR used for dry flowers?

In the flashcards for 4.8, we have these three cards: 1>Your suitcases are heavy /  Las maletas tuyas son pesadas 2> The flowers in your garden are all dry. / Las flores en tu jardín están todos secas.  3> Your books are open / Tus libros están abrietos. ...

6 replies - Last post by Daniel-rF - April 30, 2023

English plural but Spanish singular?

Why is “(It) is not the formal Spanish of universities: (it) is the Spanish that is spoken in real life.” translated to “la universidad"?

4 replies - Last post by Scott_C - April 16, 2023

Lección 6.8 Saber/Conocer

In the excercise in Lesson 6.8 there is the phrase “Sé que no comes pescado” (I know that you don't eat fish)In this example, why do you not use the infinitive “comer” as the 2nd verb? Am I overlooking something?Thanks!

3 replies - Last post by Lobo-Volador - March 9, 2023

When telling time son vs es I thought es is only used for telling time of One something why is it used with Es cuarto para las doce de la noche.

When telling time son vs es  I thought “es” is only used for telling time of One something why is it used  "Es cuarto para las doce de la noche" or “Es caurto para las nueve”  “Es la uno menos tres” and why is “son” used with “Son las diez menos diez” Wha...

1 reply - Last post by Scott_C - March 2, 2023

Por, de, or en la mañana

Content removed by original poster

3 replies - Last post by Scott_C - March 1, 2023

?Qué se le ofrece?

Content removed by original poster

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - February 22, 2023

more pronoun placement

Hola! I understand that object pronouns need to go right before the conjugated verb, so I'm confused by the sentences “Saben lo que hacen” and “Hago lo que debo.” Why is lo not directly in front of a verb? Is it not really a pronoun in these cases?

5 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - February 22, 2023

lesson 2.1

HiIn lesson 2.1 She says necesita un carro.He says no non necesito un carro. Why the different endings of necesito/aThanksMaxie

3 replies - Last post by ricardo-rich - February 14, 2023

Did Lesson 5.8 in Level 1 drive anyone else crazy?

Seemed like an awfully dense lesson to me.  They packed a lot in and didn't miss the chance to throw in some new vocabulary to boot. Direct and indirect pronouns, some occasionally changing to “se,” which wasn't really listed as a distinct pronoun of its ...

16 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - February 6, 2023

why "puede esperarme". you wait for me

lo siento, estoy atrasado. ¿puedes esperarme?  sorry i am late. Can you wait for me?

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - January 24, 2023

The use of "yo"

I see that “yo” is used a lot in sentences like “Cuando yo era niño, no tenía una computadora.”In all my previous lessons I have never seen this, and I have always been taught to use “yo” sparingly and only for emphasis. I do see  “yo” used when learning ...

2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - January 16, 2023

small questions about Lesson 5.5

I have two questions about things in Lesson 5.5. Why is the answer to ¿Qué tal la fiesta? ¡Divertido! instead of ¡Divertida!, since la fiesta is feminine?  And why ¿Estás en el camino? but Estoy en camino? Should the el be there? Thanks!

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - January 11, 2023

Indirect object pronouns question

I see sentences constructed like this a lot, using the indirect pronoun with the noun, instead of as replacement for it, this from lesson 9.2:No le vi a mi mamá.(I) didn't see my mom. Why not just “No vi a mi mama?”It seems to just add complexity to have ...

2 replies - Last post by BarryH12 - January 8, 2023

explain this. : te invito a ti y a nadie más

I don't understand the “ti”. why can't I say “  Te estoy invitando y nadie más”

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - January 5, 2023

Ser vs estar in lesson 9.8

I have a question from lesson 9.8. It says "(we) were friends once" translated as "fuimos amigos una vez", the preterite of ser. This sentence implies that the friendship ended. Shouldn't the preterite of estar be used here?

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - December 8, 2022

please speak more slowlk

Hable mas despacio por favor, This is an imperative.  Why is the the verb not habla rather than hable.Hable is sunjunctive and this is not the mood

2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 28, 2022

"Una casa que te guste": Why use the subjunctive here?

busca casa que te guste.What rule dictates the use of subjunctive in this case? thank you

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 21, 2022

Why do we use the subjunctive with "siempre y cuando"?

Bueno, está bien. Siempre y cuando tenga una buena personalidad.Why do we us subjunctive. What is the rule

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 21, 2022


Jose wants to give it to Maria.Jose quiere darselo a Maria Why cant we say Jose quiere darlo a Maria?Why do we need the indirect object pronoun here.. What is the rule

4 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 14, 2022

Object pronouns

no tienes que preocuparte.You don't have to worryWhy do we need the TE pronoun?Also, why not say no tienes que preocuparse?

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 7, 2022

Placement of direct and indirect object pronouns

DO pronouns and indirect can go in either of 3 places… attached to infinitive; before verb or attached to gerunds.Question… is there any preferable placement if you have more than one option.  i.e.  I want to eat itLo quiero comer or quiero comerlo

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - November 7, 2022

olvidemonos de esto y solo amemonos.. Let's forget about this and just love each other

I understand the object pronoun NOS attached at the end of the verb, but i cannot find any verb conjugations as olvidemo or  amemo.. However, There ARE verbs olvidemoS and amemoS in the subjunctive. I had read that this was the first person plural imperat...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 31, 2022

...probablemente hagas windsurf y paracaidismo.

This comes from the Travelog course 1.1. Is there an implied hasta in the phrase which justifies the use of the subjunctive here?- probablemente hasta hagas windsurf y paracaidismo.

2 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - October 27, 2022

Use of tener after puedo

Hola! In lesson 1.6 ‘tener’ is used in the following sentence rather than ‘tengo.’ Why is that the case?  ¿Puedo tener tu número ​telefónico? Gracias!  Grandma K

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 17, 2022

Saber vs Conocer

Ellos saben jugar a las cartas.Conoce las reglas del juego. I am confused in Lesson 6.8 by these two sentences. I would have used saber for both (since you had to learn the rules to play) but I could maybe see (sort of) conocer for knowing how to play but...

5 replies - Last post by Scott_C - October 4, 2022

Use of the verb form GUSTO

I learned that there is no verb GUSTO (no accent)However, I come across le gusto - she (he) likes me. or te gusto(you like me). I do not understand how the first person singular is used with this backwards verb…  I thought you can only have gusta, gustas ...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 4, 2022

conjugation of preocupar

me preocupa means I am worried… or  worry. Why is not it me preocupo rather than preocupa.What verb tense is that Thank youKen

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 4, 2022

Cual vs Que

¡Hola!I'm just starting to learn Spanish and this relates to lesson 1.5. When do you use cuál instead of qué?For example¿Cuál es tu profesión? vs ¿Qué ​haces? I expected the first sentence to start with qué (eg, ¿Qué es tu profesion?) but it begins with c...

4 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 4, 2022

Why Do We Need the NOS Pronoun

El momento en que nos dedicamos a torturar a nuestros alumnos...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 4, 2022

use of sunjuntive

why is the subjunctive used importante que hable contigo

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 4, 2022

How to say please respond

Ive seen it two ways Por favor responda and por favor responde.What is the difference?

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 4, 2022

Indirect object, direct object, and combination pronouns.

I seemed to have “hit a wall” trying to grasp indirect object, direct object, and combination pronouns. I'm bogged down on lessons 5.6, 5.7, 5.8any tips?  Thanks!

4 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - September 23, 2022

Sino and sino que

I was under the impression that you used  sino if there was no conjugated verb after using sino in the sentence and sino que if there was a conjugated verb after using sino que. In lesson 13.3 there is this sentence:  Mauricio no solo es director de venta...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - September 19, 2022

Indirect Object Pronouns in Lesson 5.7

I'm trying to get a feel for when to use indirect object pronouns when the IO is mentioned specifically.  The sentence “Jenny le está escribiendo una carta a su padre.” in Lesson 5.7 has both “le” and “su padre.”  The lesson says that you don't need the “...

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - September 9, 2022

The word 'se'

I'm in lesson 6.7, and the word ‘se’ is being used. I don't understand how it is functioning - it seems to have multiple uses. Now, I may have forgotten, but I also don't remember this word being introduced or any lessons about it. I'm very confused about...

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - September 5, 2022

Adjective placement in "Volábamos sobre increíbles montañas"

In Spanish 11.5 we're given the following translationVolábamos sobre increíbles montañas.(We) were flying over incredible mountains. Normally I would expect it to be montañas increíbles rather than increíbles montañas Is there a reason it looks backwards ...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - July 25, 2022

sólo que al otro lado del “Río Uruguay”.

The “que” in this phrase really seems to throw me off. Should it be there? What purpose does it serve?

3 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - July 2, 2022

Latin American pronunciation of "ll"

Years ago when I studied Spanish, we were taught to pronounce “ll” as if it were the “y” in young or year. My Argentinan friend pronounced it as if it were the “j” in just.In the Rocket lessons, I'm hearing it pronounced more like “j” than “y”.  SO - Eith...

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - June 14, 2022

Necesitamos ya sea recuperar nuestros pasaportes o sacar unos nuevos.

- (We) need to either get our passports back or get new ones. What purpose does the “ya sea” serve here? The phrase seems to stand on its own without that. Thanks!

4 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - June 8, 2022

Accent marks

Does anybody have a concise reference on accent marks? I'd like to know the rules!

2 replies - Last post by Janet33 - May 19, 2022

...y lo navegaremos por diez kilómetros hacia adentro hasta el Rio Plátano.

- …and ride it inland ten kilometers up the Rio Plátano. I can't seem to get my head around the “hacia adentro hasta” part of the translation. It somehow doesn't sound like “inland up” a river. What am I missing here?

3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - May 16, 2022

Passive se

Hi,the store opens at tenla tienda se abre a las diezSe abre la tienda a las diez i believe you can use this sentence either way , , please advise.but my main question is why not just say la tienda abre a las diezwhy the se like with what time does that r...

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - May 4, 2022


Les juro que guardaré su secreto.(I) swear that (I) will keep your secret.from 14.7Why is it ‘les' and not ‘le’or les and sus?

1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - May 2, 2022

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