By taking the time to understand how the Spanish language works, you'll be able to speak Spanish naturally, and read and write in Spanish. We know this can be one of the more challenging parts of your course, and we’re here to help! You can browse the topics, do a search in the top right corner of this page, or start a new conversation. Don’t be shy!
siempre escuchas mucho de la historia de Chile. Why is "mucho" used here instead of "mucha".
3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - June 9, 2020
Hola, In Lesson 13.1, the following sentence occurs: Ustedes han sido amigos desde la niñez, y esto será un día especial para los dos. If I had had to guess, I would have used "éste" instead of "ésto" because we are referring to a particular day. (Aren'...
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - June 3, 2020
Lesson 1.4 Audio Grammar wrong?
Hello I have just started with Spanish, but I am having a question in the Audio part of Lesson 1.4, at 19:00 minutes. How would you say that it's okay, you can take the photo? Solution --> Está bien, puedes sacar la foto. Since I am talking to a gentle...
7 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - May 27, 2020
Obejct pronoun choice - le, lo, la
Hola a todos! Like many, I imagine, I still find direct and indirect pronoun use a bit challenging, particularly with 3rd person singular where there are several choices: le, lo, la. As I understand it, le and lo are masculine, and la is feminine, corre...
2 replies - Last post by GaryM25 - May 13, 2020
Seremos muy cuidadosos con ambos.
- (We)'ll be very careful with (you) both. This is from Travelogue lesson 5.1. In 4.6 (the lesson just prior), we have: - Ambos estaremos cuidando de ustedes. - (We)'ll both be taking care of you. Why is ser used in one and estar in the other?
4 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - May 12, 2020
I'm confused with Spanish lesson 2.1 - Why is "do you want to do" = "quiere hacer" ? I would think it would be "quieres hacer" as you are referring to "you" or "tu"
2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - May 11, 2020
Why is the "u" in the word "tu" not always accented?
I've only just begun Rocket Spanish today (Lesson 1.1 in Module 1), but have already seen that the "u" in the word "tu" is sometimes accented, and sometimes not. I'm curious as to why.
10 replies - Last post by HappyHeart - April 30, 2020
Lesson 9.5 The use of articles
In the phrase ´Ellos fueron a un concierto de la música rock.´ why is the article ´la´ used.
3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - April 29, 2020
Why is "parar de..." used to mean to stop doing something?
In lesson 9.2, why do they use "parar de..." to signify "to stop doing something"? I thought "dejar de..." would be correct.
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - April 20, 2020
Another Subjunctive Question (12.4): No creo que es (sea?) sabiduría. ¡Más es experiencia!
Everything I have says that subjunctive follows "No creo que," and mentions no exceptions. Is the above sentence incorrect? Or is there an exception (or subjective aspect) that applies here that is not mentioned in my references?
3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - April 6, 2020
Spanish Level 1 Module 7 Lesson 7.2
In Level 1, lesson 7.2, Amy says to Mauricio, Tú puedes hacer lo que quieras. You can do what (you) like. Shouldn't "quieras" be "quieres"? If not, why? I cannot seem to trace down where "quieras" would come from. Thank you.
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 27, 2020
Ni el aire ni el agua ESTÁN contaminados? (Plural verb instead of singular?)
In English, this neither/nor construction would require a singular verb, rather than plural. TV news broadcasters often get it right, but many people (perhaps even most, these days) do use the plural incorrectly. Strictly speaking, does Spanish also call...
3 replies - Last post by Tomás71 - March 25, 2020
asegurar taking the subjunctive
From the Travelogue (1.6): - Te has asegurado de que tienes mis números de contacto. (You)'ve made sure (you) have my contact numbers. From the Travelogue (11.6): - Me aseguré que tuviéramos todo el equipo, I made sure we had the all of the equipment, A...
2 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - March 24, 2020
Nos matamos de la risa......why is this translated into "we couldn't stop laughing??? Is this not confusing to beginners?
2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 16, 2020
- I don’t even know this guy. For the life of me, I cannot get my head around this phrase. Anyone?
8 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 12, 2020
Failure to use subjunctive in Lesson 12.2?
I've become a bit disappointed in the last lesson or two, I have encountered three clear (according to my other references) and repeated grammar errors. Two of them, I have already posted on -- Mas que vs. Mas qué, and Como vs. Cómo. Now a third one regar...
7 replies - Last post by Tomás71 - March 9, 2020
Como vs. Cómo -- Inconsistent usage?
In the last few lessons, I have become very confused over the use of the accent on cómo. As I understand, the accent is used for both direct and indirect questions. However, the lessons have contained many examples of indirect questions using como withou...
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 4, 2020
In Module 12, there appears the statement, "Gracias a Dios que me queda más que un día de vacaciones." Shouldn't the comparison in this sentence be using "más de" instead of "más que", since numbers are being compared? I have checked two separate Spanish ...
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - February 26, 2020 guía dice que las lagunas son visitadas por flamencos.
...and the guidebook says that the lagoons are visited by flamingos. I wonder sometimes if I'm ever going to get this ser/estar thing straight. It would seem to me that this is a temporary / transitory condition which would lead me to use "estar". Is it ...
3 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - January 29, 2020
Bueno, al salir de la tienda tienen que caminar...
This phrase comes from the Travelogue 9.3. I've seen examples in the course like this where it is "al" followed by the verb in the infinitive and others where it is "el" followed by the same. I tried to find examples of the latter without success (which p...
5 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - January 21, 2020
"¡pero es un sentimiento extraño el pensar que nuestros pasaportes originales pueden ya estar...
"¡pero es un sentimiento extraño el pensar que nuestros pasaportes originales pueden ya estar en manos de las autoridades locales! Y que nuestra conexión con Rick pueda ponernos en peligro." My question was going to be why the first usage of "pode...
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - December 2, 2019
Direct and Indirect object pronouns - la and las
Hi experts, I have one question. Why in this phrase: (We) serve them it (fem.). We use "Se la servimos" and not "Se las servimos".
2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - October 21, 2019
ME GUSTERIA QUE FUERAMOS CON MARIO AND CLARISA. Fueramos es en el pasado - imperfecto de subjuntivo. Por que se usa aqui?
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - September 30, 2019
How do i know when to use Que, Cual, and Cuales ? what is the rule for each usage please
10 replies - Last post by Babarondev - September 20, 2019
My notes on the subjunctive - WEIRDO acronym to help you remember
Wishes I want you to arrive early Quiero que lleges temprano Ojala que Ellos llegen temprano Quiero que todos hablen ingles Emotions I am happy you are here Me alegre que estes aqui Estoy triste que le mientas a mi esposa Me sorprende que les digas la ve...
0 replies - Last post by Babarondev - September 20, 2019
In the following statement from Lección 9.3, gente is used in the plural form in importarles. Does this usage vary between countries? Así es. Mucha gente te va a hablar sin importarles tu gramática. That's right. Many people are going to speak to you wit...
5 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - September 8, 2019
Lección 9.4: ¿Y cómo fue la comida? And how was the food? Is this also valid? ¿Y cómo estuvo la comida? If not, why not? If so, what is the difference? I have a lot of trouble distinguishing when to use ser and estar. I put the following sentenc...
7 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - August 27, 2019
Should como below have an accent? I gathered from previous examples that when we translate it as how, we use an accent. Please advise. Bueno, hijito, como el tiempo vuela… Well, son (lit. "little son"), how time flies...
8 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - August 20, 2019
Sí, probablemente estemos... probablemente deberíamos
Sí, probablemente estemos un poco oxidados con nuestras habilidades; probablemente deberíamos tomar un curso de actualización una vez que estemos ahí... Interesting - every time I go through the course, I pick up something different. The first phrase (Tr...
3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - August 8, 2019
Siempre apuesta por Sudamérica cuando se trate de extremos de la naturaleza.
No estoy acostumbrado de ver le subjuntivo después de "cuando". ¿Ideas porque se usa aquí?
11 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - July 31, 2019
Why in the following example is the indirect object pronoun left out: Elena escribe un mensaje para ti. Why not: Elena te escribe un mensaje para ti.
5 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - July 21, 2019
Use of "le" in 2.1 Taking a Tour
I don't understand how "le" is used in this sentence: ¿Qué tipo de tour le gustaría hacer? but is not used in this sentence: ¿Qué actividades quiere hacer? What is the essential difference in these two sentences, and why would one merit use of le and th...
4 replies - Last post by GeorgeM22 - June 13, 2019
Lesson 4.7 Responses to Questions or Statements.
Your monitoring of our responses to your Questions or Statements is very narrow. You don't take into consideration whether we are responding in formal or informal mood. SOME of your questions or statements do not provide a clue as to whether the statem...
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - June 10, 2019
In module 4.1 Shopping, the phrase "la llevo" is translated as "I'll take it." But llevo is in present tense not future. Isn't the correct form "la llevaré"? I know I'm missing something here, but I can't quite put my finger on it. Thanks for any expl...
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - June 4, 2019
Professor Jason - Relative pronouns
part1 part 2
1 reply - Last post by Babarondev - May 31, 2019
In lesson 2.1, I ran across "¿En qué le puedo ayudar?" As I understand it, "le" is an indirect object pronoun. Why is an indirect, rather than a direct, object used here? "How can I help to you?" sounds odd, to say the least.
9 replies - Last post by the-hefay - May 29, 2019
Professor Jason - Indirect and direct object pronouns
Indirect object pronouns
1 reply - Last post by Babarondev - May 10, 2019
Prof Jason's Video on Por vs Para
1 reply - Last post by Babarondev - May 8, 2019
Professor Jason - Imperfect vs Preterit
1 reply - Last post by Babarondev - May 5, 2019
I have found series of very detailed videos for those people who are struggling with Spanish Grammar, even though they have been through the course materials. I intend to watch them and if you want, I can summarize what I have learnt. I am going to start ...
2 replies - Last post by CourtneyR12 - May 3, 2019
Can "por" also mean "Because"?
I have a question regarding a sentence in the Estar section. It says: Ella está muy cansada por el viaje. = She is very tired because of the trip. At this point, we have been taught that "because" is "porque" So, wouldn't the translation be: "Ella es...
11 replies - Last post by Babarondev - April 29, 2019
I am sorting through the relative pronouns "que" and "quien." Are these, more or less, interchangeable? Specifically, is it correct to say: Maria es quien escribió la novella," or "Maria es la que escribió la novella?" Thanks for the insight! Jim
4 replies - Last post by Babarondev - April 25, 2019
Una vez más, es siempre importante, siempre que estén cocinando...
- Once again, it's always important, always when you cook... I thought that when it comes to something habitual, you don't use the subjunctive. Is the difference here that "que" is used here instead of "cuando" (interesting: it seems to translate to the ...
5 replies - Last post by Steven-W15 - April 5, 2019
I'm stuck at 4.8-beyond (Level one)
I felt like I was clicking right along until I got to the part about pronouns, DO, IO, etc. I haven't been able to do the Rocket Reinforcement in any of these because I'm NOT GETTING IT. Has anybody else suffered through this and found their way out the...
7 replies - Last post by JulieB47 - March 24, 2019
desktop software to check spelling and grammar offline
Can anyone recommend desktop software that can check Spanish spelling and grammar? I tried MS Word (for mac 2011), but it didn't seem to pick up some simple issues, like a missing inverted question mark. I want to start practicing writing inSpanish a few ...
1 reply - Last post by marieg-rocket languages - March 14, 2019
El agua es cristalina y están decorados con hermosas estalactitas...
It never ceases to amaze me how I keep coming across things that I haven't seen/noticed in the course. This happens most often when I keep repeating the same mistake like in the above phrase. I keep wanting to say: - El agua es cristalina y son decorados ...
3 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 13, 2019
Which language lessons in Rocket Spanish covers this verb form
2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 13, 2019
Question about "María y Juan terminan primero"
In this sentence, why is it "primero" and not "primeros"? Is "primero" an adverb here, considered to be modifying "terminan" instead of an adjective describing María and Juan? Thank you!
2 replies - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 13, 2019
Pensé followed by infinitive verb
According to lesson 9.2, "Pensé tener buena suerte" translates to "I thought I would be lucky". When "pensé" is followed by an infinitive verb, is it assumed that the verb applies to speaker? Could one also say "Pensé que tendría buena suerte"?
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 12, 2019
With or without an accent...or both?
Why does "tu" sometimes have an accent and sometime not? Thanks!
1 reply - Last post by Liss-Rocket-Languages-Tutor - March 12, 2019